Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with break me
Samantha Rose has garnered significant recognition through her captivating cover songs, earning the admiration of industry titans like Oasis, the Jackson 5, Drake, En Vogue, and the grandson of Aretha Franklin. Their praise echoes her exceptional ability to infuse songs with soulful blue notes
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Producer, composer, multi-intsrumentalist and general centipede when it comes to: music, computers, editing & mixing. With a masters degree in Music technology.
Singer and composer. Pop, rock, funk, soul, etnic and sephardic music. Lead vocals and backup vocals. Specially harmonies.
Titus is a London based guitarist and producer available to compose, produce, edit, mix and master your music to reach a high level recording for your songs. Currently running his solo projects and collaborating with different artists Titus is constantly releasing new material ranging from Jazz to Neo Soul, Pop and R&B, fusion and blues..
a tactful ear for elevating your project to become ear candy!
My work has been released on labels such as Sony, Warner and Universal. I have produced songs for artists such as Major Lazer and achieved double platinum-selling status. I have also officially remixed for the likes of Flo Rida, Mike Posner and achieved millions of plays on my own productions.
đź“€SESSION SINGER / TOPLINER đź“€Backing Vocal's for Demi Lovato, Mel C, Natasha Bedingfield. Experienced writer specialising in EDM, Pop Toplines. Versatile voice - delivering both big powerful vocals like Becky Hill as well as clean pop vibes like Dua Lipa or Billie Eilish.
Old fashioned handcrafted music production since 2001
I enjoy the mixing process, and finding the heart of a song. There is no end to where it can go, but there is a time to stop and let it be what it is.
Recent Successes
"Robert is the man I will ALWAYS go to from now on. Never had a better sounding master OR better customer experience in all honesty. His industry experience speaks for itself. Highly recommended AAA+"
"Amazing performer! TONYB added lots of character to our production!"
"The collaboration with Robert is a gift. He knows exactly what it needs and brings it to the point. What Robert has done for me, is great! When I heard the finished production, I was speechless and touched. And just t..."
"Great experience, very professional and easy to work with. "
"Another great work and kind service! We are very happy with his professional and artistic performance for our song. "
"Skam R'Tist should be on all radio stations across the world. The best storyteller and illest flow in the business.10-stars of perfection:)"
"Tom is an amazing mastering and mixing engineer. He takes the track to the highest level possible."
"Richard provided professional quality vocals within an hour of my first message. He understood what I asked of him well and did a fantastic job, amazing sounding voice! "
"I am so happy to have Reed to help me getting recorded my ideas and also to arrange my ideas. We have already made a few songs together. He always gets closest to my individual style and does not try to bring his own ..."