Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BUG quartet
Highly proficient in all genres across the history of jazz.
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Hello everyone! Creating moving music is my sole purpose in life. I am a pro session guitarist, and MI grad. I'm also an engineer/producer and drummer. My mission is to stamp a bold and unique character into the history of music, with every piece I am an integral part of. I've worked with master drummer Virgil Donati, and Brockett Parsons of L.Gaga
I'll make your songs sound amazing. Young, 10 years in the industry.
Musician, Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer / Record Label Manager
I can kick your music up a notch. If you record at home, or in a giant studio, I will take your music to the next level.
As a songwriter, sound designer, podcaster, and half of a pop/production duo, I can cover a lot of ground when it comes to potential projects in music, podcasting, and film. Likewise, having written with 150+ artists in various genres I'm up for writing pop with any kind of twist you'd like! My top songwriting credit is "Long Shot" by Transviolet.
Let’s network and create
Professional vocalist, songwriter & vocal producer with own set up that can produce high quality vocal stems quickly and easily. 700k plays across all platforms; Spotify, Soundcloud etc. Plays on Radio1, Kiss, Capital. I regularly vocal for publishers pitching songs for western & asian artists like Illenium, P!NK, Zara Larsson, BTS & many more.
What distinguishes music from others, who will remain immortal, and will only fade with the waves.
Recent Successes
"Aly, It was an honor and a great privilege to work with someone as talented as you. The work accomplished has reached our hopes thanks to your valuable involvement. I'm looking forward to our future collaboration. ..."
"Can't say enough about how much I love Mechi's voice! I had an amazing experience working with her. The back and forth was easy, she was very professional, and makes sure you are happy with the final product! From th..."
"This is my third project with him, and there you go as usual Matthew's magic touch blew my mind! can't wait to work with him again soon!"
"I always get a unique song out of Riley with multiple layers of sound. This song came out so dreamy, exactly what I wanted. We've been working together over a year now and he really gets my vibe. I've thrown some pret..."
"My whole experience with Dan was first rate. His communication and timeliness were great, and the results of the work knocked the wind out of me. This is a 10 year old recording I’ve heard 1000 times, and the first li..."
"Great crisp on the song, the best work I have seen yet. Can’t wait to build a relationship with Tyree and get more music done. 💪🏽💪🏽"
"Spectacular artist. His voice and vision really took my track to the next level. I highly recommend working with Denny! Super professional. "
"Ashley is an excellent Vocalist and a really good song writer! "
"I consistently come back to Jordan because he has a great ear for hidden frequencies. Jordan is professional and will deliver exactly what you need and more! "
"Outstanding work, and so pleasant to work with. Matty is helping me with my husband's (Michael B Chambers) music so I can hopefully find artists who want to perform it. He's been so kind and also helped me better unde..."