Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Busy This Weekend
Energetic Singer/Songwriter that will help you create your next big hit.
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Everything needs purpose and less is more! I've led projects in small studios through to massive ensemble sessions in Abbey Road Studio1 & 2. Clients include, Paul Carrack, Polly Paulusma, ESPN, BBC, Disney and I led the Missing People Choir through to the live finals of BGT in 2017.
Music industry Standard Quality Unmatched.
Two albums released on Spotify, Amazon Music & Apple Music.
My music will align your charka's
Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer, and Multi-Instrumentalist with a focus for balanced and moving compositions.
Hit factory
Your Gateway to the Urban Sound of the Future Hello! I'm Amuzvi, a passionate music producer with over 10 years of experience in the industry. If you're looking to take your urban music to the next level, you're in the right place.
Mixing & Mastering
Recent Successes
"Excellent job from a fantastic and very talented man. I found his lyrics very inspirational and there is "something" there for sure!"
"Nick is always my go to guy for anything on a song that's vocal related. He goes above and beyond what's needed and most importantly has an amazing ear for it and catches things that I'll even miss. Can't recommend h..."
"Just finished my first song with Shaley and I LOVE her work! I sent her the instrumentals for a pop-EDM song, and Shaley wrote excellent/catchy lyrics, melodies, AND harmonies that fit the vibe of the song, and she al..."
"Grant is an absolute G. A Boss. The Man. That Dude. Don't be scared to pull trigger and work with this man."
"Overall great experience!"
"Another great result, Matt Mastered and treated a beautiful little track for me."
"Killian consistently nails the production, every time!"