Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ClaverGold
As a sound engineer, I put the same amount of effort and passion into every project no matter the budget. I will work into your tracks objective and smart to get the best final result in your project.
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A recent graduate of Full Sail University, I'm currently looking to expand my professional portfolio and connect with clients that are just as passionate about their work as I am in mine.
With 10+ years of experience in vocal production, I am a highly dedicated, detail oriented, and motivated producer. I promise to give you a timely, tasteful, and clean tuned vocal track you will be highly satisfied with!
Putting the same Passion into Mixing as You put into Creating.
Musicality at it’s finest.
Take your music to the next level with Stream & Radio ready tracks!
Born again Christian, saved from the secular music industry in Los Angeles, making music and assisting others make music for the Kingdom of God. I am a singer, songwriter, audio engineer, and producer. I graduated from Berklee College of Music in 2020 with a degree in Engineering and currently work in one of the best recording studios in Dallas.
I offer creative production and mixing for your tracks, specializing in soundtrack/classical, ambient, pop and r&b. I work as a freelance composer and producer. If you'd like to think out of the box and try something completely unexpected, hit me up!
Boss Musyk Records, A young, creative and vibrant music Mixing and Mastering engineer that will deliver.
Recent Successes
"Steven did a terrific job with the horn section for my track. Great prices, quick turnaround and provided me with some cool harmonies and layers. Would work with again!"
"Awesome producer! It's been a pleasure working with Gera. He's very talented and has a sixth sense in terms of what a modern track needs to have. He also gets that radio ready sound we're all looking for. You won't re..."
"Benny is excellent at his mixing and mastering craft. You can tell he is a pro. Benny really creates a feel that we are in the studio doing this together instead of over the wires & you can hear that in the song! HIgh..."
"Tasteful and well placed arrangement, Well worth your time. "
"Recommend the artist. True metal artist with good quality of growl and scream. I have enjoyed cooperation with Cesar!"
"He provided a hot vocal track for my brother’s house remix. The genre’s certainly blended well as I hoped and I’m happy at how it came out. Hope to do another one! :)"
"I asked Mike for a trumpet for my song and he recommended A Horn section. He delivered what he suggested and It sounds amazing. He injected more life into the song and I'm very pleased with the result. The arrangeme..."
"Working with Elodine has been an outstanding experience. She consistently delivers unique and exceptional vocals that truly elevate every track. Her extensive experience and insightful approach to music production cle..."
"Always happy to work with Chris. The result is beyond my expectation as always. He's super nice with positive energy! Looking forward to work with him for the next projects. 10/10"