Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Coop3rDrumm3r
I'm a creative, groovy drummer and music lover. Always in the mood to up my game and put my soul into what I do.
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From garage bands to Grammy winners, I've got you covered! In a DYI world, it's tempting to want to do it all. But don't underestimate the value and efficiencies of someone with lots of experience. You wouldn't cut your own hair or try operating on yourself would you!?
Sol is a music producer who has over a million streams on youtube with his remix works, worked with Emmy nominated choreographer for Michel Jackson's 30 years anniversary concert, released from the record label of The Fat Rat who has over 4 million subscribers on youtube.
Songwriter with over 10 Years Experience more than 1000+ Songs written so far. For more information and enquiries please contact.
We're going to work day & night until your song be excellent!
If you are an artist who is looking to uplift your community around you with the art you create, please message me and let’s show the world your truest potential.
I write the best and most catchy hooks.
I am a music producer, dj and video maker and video editor
Crafting harmonies, defying genres
Recent Successes
"Wes made an amazing job for me as singer and song writer ! I was a bit lost at the beginning about what i had to say in my production, so i told him to write everything he felt while listening my music. He wrote me a ..."
"SameThang SameThang!!! Once again quality mix!"
"I have worked with Daramola on multiple projects from vocal arrangement to toplining. He is an absolute professional that brings many talents to the project. He gives his all to make the best hit recording possible. G..."
"Another successful journey with Andres! 👍🏻"
"William played beautiful violin and viola on our song. Wonderful playing and experience. "
"Awesome experience!! Sound better connecting musicians across the world 👏🏽"
"Meredith was AMAZING! Such an incredibly talented performer who wildly exceeded my expectations! I have no doubt that I will continue to collaborate with her long into the future!"
"Working with G is painless. He understands everything quickly. Love his detailed notes which explain every plan, every vision, every step. Never once the work needed to be fixed so in the end it's a lot of time saved...."
"Riley is the man. A specialist in multiple genres & a great person overall "
"Working with Harry is awesome - so much appreciation for what he does. Couldn't recommend him enough"