Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Coy Yeti
Need help taking your sound to the next level? Look no further! Whether you need a remix, an original song, or expert mixing and mastering, I offer top-notch music production services tailored to your unique vision. With a track record of versatile productions and a consistent release schedule, I am dedicated to elevating your music to new heights.
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Arie van den Velden from the Netherlands. Studies Audio mastering, mixing & production @ HKU.
Established in 2009, Böhm Sound is one of Budapest’s leading audio-post companies.
The best music is always related to by fans
Daniela is a professional vocalist based in London with a strong performance background, studio and vocal tuition experience. TOP LINER, SESSION VOCALIST, VOCALS ARRANGER
403IT is the perfect solution for all small businesses those people who to eliminate their IT headaches.
Many years of experience in the EDM scene, will deliver clear, loud, industry level masters.
Texture designer. Make your sound unique! A song it´s just like a canvas. If you add a drummer it sounds red. Only If you get a CREATIVE one it can become colorful. I spent my whole life collecting TEXTURES, and that´s where it gets 3D! I own a whole room ful of instruments (And NON-INSTRUMENTS) to develop your tailor-made sound experience.
Recent Successes
"Ariel did an amazing job as always. She always delivers exactly what I need and quickly at that."
"Totally recommend and will happily work with Dan again. Easy and responsive communication. He readily invited feedback and shared ideas when needed. This was my first time using soundbetter and I'd felt a bit apprehen..."
"Excellent musician. Patient, commited, creative, and talented."
"Marcelo edited some acoustic guitar timings for me - he worked very fast, had great communication and importantly the result is very good!"
"Kirby is outstanding. Exceptional feel on the keys, easy to work with, fine tuned all of our revision requests, and had a quick turn around time. Will definitely work with again!"
"Always fun hearing what Hamilton will surprise me with and layer on my songs, thank you!"
"The work was decent, I liked how he left audio notes to clarify how specific parts should go. But, and it pains me to say this, I wasn't satisfied by some parts. He didn't time-align the vocals the way I wanted, and..."
"I've collaborated on over 30 projects with Jenny. She has a beautiful voice and has the talent and skill to deliver absolutely perfect vocals. Great tone, emotive performance, perfect pitch, and precise timing. And sh..."
"Direckt has very strong communication and was very patience with me! He also works fast and efficiently. His work ethic is greatly appreciated!"