Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Daturha
Wanna get the best sound you ever wanted to your music ? My studio is open to everyone who wants to collaborate with a passionnate sound egineer !
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Samuel is capable of a composing wide array of music, from poignant piano tunes to more dakr and dreamy tunes, to garage rock and more. Samuel loves the opportunity to make all kinds of different styles. Influenced by the likes of Jonny Greenwood, Jon Brion, and Brian Eno, Samuel's pieces that float in between classical and ethereal soundscapes, in
Producer, mixing engineer and multi-instrumentalist specialising in pop and indie pop music. 5+ million streams. I love combining experimental and obscure sounds with pristine pop production to create memorable and exciting music. Credits include: Cloning, IV DANTE, Ruen Brothers and more.
In +15 years of experience, I've worked with clients such as Sony, Universal, Warner, BMG and others. I'm a professional songwriter/producer, at your service. You can message me for more samples.
arts council/prs funded composer, producer, engineer and multi instrumentalist.
I have a very unique way of writing. I can express all the kind of genre in a beautiful way
I am a Singer, Writer, Composer and producer in a Fusion Western-Ethnic Style. I sing with a musical curling and twirling from the Ethnic World of music, in western songs usually. I can flow on a beat, and also sing legato and painful songs. I usually compose and produce pop. I am also specialised with backing vocals. I'd love to work with you :)
I am a Gospel/Christian songwriter. I have had several of my songs used on the albums of Indie Gospel Artists.
Down to earth Alt-Pop Producer and Songwriter. I can help you take your idea, voice memo, thought, dream, and turn it into a professional recording.
Recent Successes
"Yonni did a fantastic job on my song in a timely and efficient manner. He did it, exactly the way I envisioned my music to sound. Great work!"
"Nathaniel added violin-layers to our song "Walking" and we got what we wanted: a nice warm landscape of strings. He´s reliable and fast-working and easy to work with."
"Eileen is great! She is very professional and has a great voice. Enjoyed working with her and highly recommend. "
"This is the second time Troy has recorded pedal steel and dobro for me> I have been impressed both times. I can recommend without reservation"
"Talia was the best musician I have worked with on this platform. She was able to emotionally connect to the track in a way that far exceeded my expectations and authentically captured the story we were trying to tel..."
"Always a pleasure working with Matty. Extremely accommodating, but most of all, an incredible engineer. 100% recommend for any genre. "
"Working with Yoad was definitely one of the best experiences I've had so far when it comes to online mixing he's thorough, perfeccionist and also very patient took a bit longer than expected but our back and forth was..."
"Excellent advice on my mix and even better mastering. I wouldn't hesitate to come back to get more tracks complete. Great experience overall, his experience shows and is welcomed. "
"Bram always brings my mixes to the next level with his awesome mastering. Will always come back to him!"
"Yoed recorded a great strings composition which improved my project impressively. Easy communication and top result! "