Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with David Casal
Let's Create the Sound You're Dreaming Of!
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Amplifying experiences through sound is my motto, and achieving your sonic vision is my mission. My works as music producer and mixing/mastering engineer have been the recipient of, among others, the Lennon Award (JLSC) and the Independent Music Award (IMAs).
I am Daniel and I am a professional guitarist with more than 20 years of experience in the music field. I can play electric and classical guitar, six string tambura and ukulele. I have played in many bands in different music styles and I can provide you with wide variety of sounds and techniques.
Composer, Pianist & Sound Editor/Engineer: I can participate in all steps of the sound post-production - creating it's sound design and musical universe!
A NON-awarded 15+ years friendly songwriter/producer/mix-engineer, multi-instrumentalist and strings arranger, devoted to make great music from the South of Italy. Proponent of the fast-production methodology, delivering high quality music in short time horizon. Living in the suburbs, far from music industry, I preserve vibrance in making music.
I am a composer and music producer, proficient in various music genres, and I am also a soundtrack composer.
10 years + experience as producer, mixer and artist with songs used in TV, aired on radio and having been played on festivals. Can write, record, produce and mix a whole song in 2 weeks with industry standard sound, give advice on vocal performance and songwriting with befriended musicians to help me out if needed. Own recording studio in Berlin.
I'm a youtube famous cover singer and have sang lead on two Billboard top ten dance chart hits. I've also done extensive demo work for legendary producer David Foster.
Recent Successes
"Gerard is a pro in every since of the word. He takes pride in his work and delivers professional results..quickly. I really appreciate his communication throughout my entire project. I won’t hesitate to work with hi..."
"Always a pleasure working with Camilo. I use AI to master my working mixes, sounds great but absolutely no comparison to what Camilo can bring to the final mix. Warm and punchy and some other magic that I can’t explai..."
"I was already convinced I'd work with Trey again after my first track. Just finished my second song with him and I know who to go to for my third. The adaptability, understanding, speed and sheer quality of his work i..."
"Montel is a true professional with a unique tone. He was able to capture the emotion of the song and take the listener through the songwriters intention with ease and fluidity. It was a great experience. "
"Hello Matt, The Mix & Master has become very awesome. Thanks I'm curious about the WAV. Warm greetings"
"Brittany is the best singer I have ever worked with. Her contribution to my project was breathtaking. She brought the song to life. That was beyond belief. Thank you so much!"
"Outstanding work once again!"