Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dawna
Over the past few years I have mixed, composed and produced music, which has been used by major brands such as EA sports FIFA, BBC Match of the Day, Netflix, VIAST TV Network, NBC TV. My work has appeared on numerous international TV and radio stations. A song I mixed and produced was included in the soundtrack for the FIFA 2018 video game.
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Revolution Studios is a professional Recording and Music Production Studio. We offer an impressive array of production, mixing and mastering services, top-class equipment, and affordable rates. Whatever audio style you are interested in recording or whichever instruments you play, we’ve got you covered. Speak with us today to see how we can make
15 years of experience | Recording Engineer | Mixing Engineer | Sound Designer | Music Production
I lay down the bass, lay down the rhythm guitar, lay down the lead guitar,cellos and violins. I utilize nice recording gear and studio, so we can send music on internet.
Keyboardist for the band SURVIVOR, past Musical Director and Keyboardist for Clive Farrington (When In Rome) and Keyboardist for the band Venice. I specialize in Piano and Organ B3. I am always interested in touring playing with great players and great music.
I'd love to use my skills and ears, to help make your music live!
Cheap, Fast, High Quality recordings. Guitarist for 8 years, I specialize in solos, re-recording guitar parts, and writing new ones. I have mixed a few songs in the past that are decent quality I'm new to studio work so I don't have many recordings under my belt. Hopefully with your help I'll be able to add to my list of projects worked on
Mixing and mastering online
Releases that went on global Spotify charts, Multi gold and platinum engineer, 80M+ streams
Recent Successes
"Awesome work and extremely professional!! I will use her again on other projects "
"I love working with Chad Beatz. I just did my 4th project with him. Every time he builds up the right atmosphere and vibe around my songs. He works fast and is easy to get a hold of to discuss the project. Also I have..."
"The best mixing engineer on the platform!!"
"Shelley was great to work with, she took feedback well and came up with her own ideas. Plus her voice is amazing! I would love to work with her again. "
"Because Andrea's work on my first song was so outstanding, I sent him a second track to see if he felt there was space in it for percussion. Indeed there was: He added large shakers, Qraqeb, and a Riq and really brou..."
"If youre looking for a professional topline then I would definitely recommend. Very happy with what Nevve has done and the vocals fit the song perfectly!!! "
"Yoad was amazing! Super quick and delivered a great master. I'm already starting another job with him right now. I would very highly recommend!"
"Brian Donohoe was ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT On My Remake of Our Original Song "Say"! Bravo!"