Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dharpsykord
I am a highly professional and versatile singer-songwriter, BGV and session singer with well over a decade of experience in the music industry. I possess a great mastery of several genres of music including soul, rnb, gospel, house, pop, afro pop, lofi, EDM, Folk, and a host of many others.
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Revisions are free until you're satisfied. Try to keep the mixes (or segments) out of the red. Provide files (if possible) in a lossless format. Record at 24 or 32 bitrate if possible.
Available for Music Production and Composition, Mixing, Editing, Arrangements, Audio Restoring, noise reduction, MIDI compositions, and Voice Over Recordings.
500,000,000 streams with global hits and credits with One Direction, Jennifer Lopez, Bishop Briggs, Cascada, Dizzee Rascal, TWICE, Fat Joe, Abraham Mateo and many more... Former staff producer with RedOne.
Make your songs stand out above the rest. Recent client: Roc Nation
I will put all my experience into work on your song to get the best result!
Add a vintage sounding human feel to your tracks.
Mixing and Mastering song writing
Mixing & Mastering Producer Audio Editing Producer Recording Producer CEO of musical label: EASTWOOD PRODUCTIONS OF BRAZIL
Recent Successes
"Working with Mark was a very good experience. He nailed the performance and produced high quality tracks with a quick turnaround. Would definitely recommend!"
"Second time working with Leor, and I love how much he can find the right feel that supports a song. Looking forward to building arrangements off of the excellent drum tracks he's recorded."
"Arianna is a great singer/artist. My music now sounds way better because of her. Highly recommend!! "
"Again a great piece of work from Amilli Productions. Very happy with the results!"
"Marcello delivers incredible vocal performance every time! I've done so many songs with him and he has been just INCREDIBLE! With mixing and mastering the song is just so fun and great sounding. Perfect job! I highly..."
"Stefanie was really incredible to work with! She went above and beyond with what I'd asked her to do for my track. She supplied a lead vocal along with duplicates and harmonies and these were all perfect. In addition ..."
"Working with Sara was an absolute pleasure. Her exceptional talent for vocal harmonies and valuable lyrical contributions significantly elevated the track, while her professionalism and clear communication made our co..."
"What a guy! As an indie artist with limited resources and budget, Elliot was the perfect person to turn to for mastering my song. He brought the vision of the sound I wanted to life. Was super efficient and done job w..."