Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with dile
Composer Soundtracks for Film and TV at 432 Hz, Mix and Mastering
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There's nothing like listening to the quality of a vocalist that can either relax you, or hype you up to run or dance. I am confident I'm not only that vocalist for you, but as well as a down to earth contact thats easy to work with.
Mario is a mixing & mastering engineer, bassist, and producer at Vinegar Hill LA Studios in Los Angeles, CA. Mario believes in a collaborative approach to his work that respects and maintains the artist's creative vision while using some of the best software and outboard equipment at his studio. Examples of Mario's work: www.mariodilevamusic.com
recording and mixing top indipendent bands since 1987 - +280 albums done. info, gear, pics at www.alesportelli.com
Soulful Songwriter and singer. Artistically influenced by connection, emotion, energy and "The Social Wind". Internationally hugged.
Mixing & Mastering Engineer since 2011. https://open.spotify.com/album/1Erk7ncHmhAY2rXKkq1r8B?si=_hoLj8vXT0O3UZCjpnPlRg
Brazilian bass player, active on local and national scene in brazilian instrumental music, funk, soul, jazz, pop. Want a good bass line for you song? Please call me!
I combine minimalism with experimentation!
Quick, Communicative, and Versatile! I'm a Grammy nominated multi-instrumentalist, producer, and composer who specializes in piano, keyboards, and saxophone. I'm happy to replay your ideas for you. I can also write or improvise parts to give new life to your music. You can hear my work with alt R&B artists like Masego and Kehlani IG: @danXforte
Recent Successes
"Austin is a perfectionist to the highest heavenly degree!! Highly recommended!!"
"Austin is just amazing in his job! The most Impressive and Important thing about him is that he has patience and he listens to what you say and then works according to you without complaining or talking about how hard..."
"Chad is my go to guy to for insight and engineering on a variety of musical digital needs."
"I rely on Mr. Mig to bring out the best of my track. I send him a new song each month for mixing and mastering. We have been working together for years and I always know I'm going to get the best sound I can. He is a ..."
"Working with Marcus is a positive experience. He delivers in a timely fashion, and executes your vision and precise as you would want it to be. He is definitely the way to go!"
"Jordan is excellent when it comes down to nailing an idea down! It's incredible how organized he is. Also, I love the workflow he is suggesting and using. He is not less involved in the tracks as the producer itself..."
"Orville did a fantastic job adding dobro to my song, with quick turnaround. Highly recommend him for instrumental overdubs."