Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dr. Myles Munroe
If you’re looking for the best sonicly cutting edge production- I’m your guy.
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Hollywood HD business man artist dreamer above all he's a music lover born and raised in Athens GA always had an ear for music. Hollywood HD got into music at an early age, writhing songs in school, making beats in high school, to recording mixing and mastering in college. Hollywood HD has worked with artist in his local area with no complaints.
I've been mixing my own music, along with some people's music from my area for awhile now. I'd like to get more practice in and help people get the sound they are looking for in their songs!
eh i smol bean tryna get money to help wit da house being up all night i also make the money to get stuff i want any dont hire me i cclicked on dis cuz i thought it was a dubstep bord
I have produced songs and have over 100k listens on some of my tracks for artists. I always give my customers exactly what they need even if it means working overtime. I am a professional DJ and music producer. I have been using audio workspace programs since I was very young.
I produce music to make people happy.
Recognized singer & songwriter specialized in Reggaeton and Urban Latin sounds. +4M streams across platforms as a songwriter. Let's work together! Reconocido cantante y compositor especializado en Reggaetón y sonidos urbanos. +4M streams en todas las plataformas como compositor. Trabajemos juntos!
Film composer producing music in a wide range of genres. I compose orchestral music for real instruments and I also create electronic music. I am currently working for several well-known local producers.
Recent Successes
"The production skills of Dan are awesome. he really bought to life some pretty average stems, and even added subtle production noises, to really bring to life my otherwise average mix. The song sounds ten times as goo..."
"Benny went ABOVE and BEYOND his job to get this mix perfect with me. He is very hands-on and truly cares about the song more than anything else. They don't come more patient and talented. Highly recommend!!"
"Amazing Voice - an absolutely exceptional talent! So great to work with."
"Andres made a vinyl mastering for me the quality of which had surpassed all my expectations – all the tracks sound sonically and loudness-wise great on all possiple speakers. I definetely recommend Andres as your mast..."
"Use Zakhar, he gets it. He listens, is extremely musical and sensitive to what he hears. I would definitely use him again."
"Working with Lisa I find very inspiring. She pays real attention to detail and applies her kind of flute playing with such majesty, it actually took my project to the level that makes doves cry. Brilliant flutist she ..."
"Michelle was hella quick and really good! Def using her again!"
"Vinny was really great to work with and incredibly proficient. Looking forward to working with him on vocals. "
"Bob was insane!!! Understood my project immediately and we wrote one of my best songs to date. The production is sick and top top top quality. Can’t wait to work together again !!! Incredible!"