Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Enrico Chapela
Creative, out of the box, musical. Unique sound for each project, not templates. Two REALplate verb, springs, compressors, tube eq´s. Satisfaction guaranteed. Won´t hesitate to do whatever the project needs to get there. Global Music Award. 2 Grammy nominations. Various MTV Awards.
- She has worked as a composer for different musical ensembles, for instrumentalists/performers and for visuals. Her musical pieces belong to academic and popular music. - Claudia has collaborated as a singer in national and international projects - Singing, piano, violin and musical theory teacher - LMUS London College of Music
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Sound Design & Post
I am an NYU grad student looking for some extra work while getting my degree, as well as some experience. Recently took a course on audio mastering and would love to continue my work with that. Have played piano for 20 years and drums for 9 and can do session work with that as well.
I am a mixed media visual artist, surreal photographer, filmmaker, and editor currently based in Portland, Oregon.
Bilingual female ghostwriter. With over 10 years of song writing experience. If you need original lyrics, fresh and unique, in spanish or english you are at the right place.
I am a music production prodigy that can provide quality services to create or polish your sound. With a strong foundation and years of experience in the music industry, I can make the sounds in your dreams come true.
I wanna start a band and start posting my music to Spotify and other platforms.
Hi, I'm JEREM!AH W!LEY, owner of ISSA W!LEYS WORLD Studios. Want to sound as good as your favourite artist? You've come to the right place.
For all your guitar recording needs!
Recent Successes
"Wow..Hit the studio sent the track to her and she got it back to me within hours..She is worth every dime and more..thank you MYAHHHHHH :)"
"Easy to work with and great product."
"We needed help to finalize the production + mixing of our song and Gabe did an amazing job. He added his own touch to our production, improved the structure of the song and added great elements. The process was am..."
"Tiz was awesome! He's really attentive, great turnaround and he got wonderful ideas for my lyrics. I recommend !"
"I can't be more proud of the song Adriano just mixed for us. Amazing job! "
"Tony is the best- quick sessions to start out 2022 and he delivered as always. Amazing player, understander and recordist. Beautiful organized files of incredible performances perfectly recorded! "
"Working with J.O.Y was one of my best experiences here. He was so easy to work with, the communication was a blast. His voice is so smooth, and the tracks were super tight and in tune. Also the recording quality w..."
"Seriously the bomb - awesome dudes who do amazing work! Look forward to many more"
"Aaron is a star ⭐️. 5 actually. Super talented and a breeze to work with. I can see a long collaboration unfolding. 🙏🏼"
"Kimera is my precioussss (as Gollum would say). She is the one! I have done countless songs with this elite singer. Always a pro, always a crazy top level voice, always super sweet and friendly. Every project we do, I..."