Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Euphoria HBO
Songwriter/Producer with music on HBO’s Euphoria, Netflix, Amazon, Fox, CBS, MTV and more. Commercial jingle and TV composer with hundreds of placements across film and television platforms. Songwriter & Producer with artist Josiah & The Bonnevilles. Touring bassist with the artist LP.
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The music and entertainment industries are rapidly changing. We are working every day to provide wide range of products and services in this changing environment. Paradise Sound Arts is here to fulfill your needs of your sound project.
Boian Duke is recognized as one of the leading jazz trumpet and saxophon player of the younger generation of musicians in Serbia. He is mostly known for his musical expression, which he compliments with a warm sound and a lot of energy.
Make your avant-garde masterpiece! I'm all about understanding your vision and helping you bring it to life in a way that's innovative and polished at the same time. I have a deep respect for music history, theory and the technicalities of production. In other words, I've learned the rules... so we can break them!
Grammy Award-winning vocals/writing
Singer, composer, multi-instrumentalist.
Audio Engineer, Mixing & Mastering, Music Producer, Composer.
Platinum Music Producer & Mixer with 10 years of experience in Sweden, UK and the US Music Industry. My productions have reached 25 times on Spotifys top 50 list in Sweden, US and UK. I produce a variety of genres including hip hop, rnb, and pop.
I am a mixing engineer with over 4 years experience in the field.
Recent Successes
"Nico was wonderful to work with and super professional - would definitely work with him again! Thank you :) "
"I worked with Nate on some rough demos I had and was unsure of where to go next. Nate's amazing musical ability really came through for me. He heard something I didn't and added some parts which really changed how I h..."
"Second time working with Bobby, I couldn't be more happy! He's an incredibly talented and professional artist. He takes time to understand my vision and turns it into something awesome! Great communication! He doesn't..."
"Kylie is the best! Don’t consider anyone but her. "
"working with John went smooth and the results were beyond expectations. John is clearly a seasoned pro, and the quality of work shows it. Inspiring and positive communication and process."
"Stellar job as per usual, Sean is always the right person for the job and just nails it every time!!"
"I have just completed my second project with Shelley and she did not disappoint. On my invitation, she contributed some vocal creativity, which was invaluable. What can I say? Professional, responsive, an effective co..."
"Jonas is very professional and provided me with great feedback. He met his deadlines with great results. My mixes translate great on different speakers and headphones. I will never attempt to master my own music again..."
"Had an amazing experience working together with Tissot. Amazing vocalist and understands the vision of reggaeton. Will definitely work with him again. "
"Great, fast and professional!"