Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fanxe
I can provide services of Music Production, Beatmaking, Remixing songs, Arranging, Mixing and Mastering, Instrument recording (guitar, piano, keyboard/synthesizers), Editing and Vocal Tuning for genres like Pop, R&B, Rock, Hip-Hop, Trap, Urban, Funk, Disco, House or Dance.
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Im Moss. I got into recording in my late teens & now have been mixing for a living for 6 years now. I take pride in my work & I'm fulfilled when my clients are in awe with how their vision of their art is manifested in the music I mix. I work around every clients budget & am never satisfied until its perfect. Im disciplined & work hard on my craft.
Songs that I have recorded and mixed have been on indy records, in jingles and in movies like "Foodfight!" and "The Stream."
I want to make good music! Looking for studio recording sessions and would love to collaborate with passionate producers and songwriters in London. I am openminded, ready to experiment and be creative! I sang at BBC One´s entertainment show "Pitch Battle", and have performed on live stages in front of thousands in both Norway and London.
Lifelong musician, producer and audio engineer.
I´m specialized in Producing and Mixing. Every Genre is welcome
I am a music producer and mixing engineer based in Southern Italy. I started my activity in 1998 and through the years I worked with many indie Italian labels and with several indipendent artists
Tired of boring guitars? Unique guitar arrangements: acoustic & electric, lead & rhythm: specializing in ambient, spacey, twinkly guitars. I want to help make your song shine! Do your vocals need love? Professional (manual) vocal editing, comping and tuning -- no "auto-tune" sounding vocals -- unless that's what you're going for!
Techwiki.in is an online blog site based on the tech news that can provide you with all technology updates and the latest trends that are rolling-out everyday.
Recent Successes
"I booked Junior for vocals on a Song and it just turned out brilliant! He delivered a solid vocal performance and I couldn't be happier! His voice is amazing...great tone, professional recording and most important..."
"Great voice. He worked really fast. I'm very satisfied. "
"Lasers IS THE MAN! He will communicate with you throughout the entirety of your session and make sure that you are on the same page. On top of providing you with a great MIX, he will provide you with a great EXPER..."
"She is a great singer. Apart from her great skills, she pays great attention to the producer's requests and instructions and is very committed to every project, delivering excellent quality vocals. Super recommended."
"Alex is professional, responsive, patient, and of course, a skilled guitarist. He was amenable to revision requests and notes, and gave his own suggestions to help us achieve the result we were looking for. Thanks Alex!"
"Feel like I stumbled on gold with Biometrix. Super welcoming & professional, comms were great. I had a difficult project but he instinctively knew how to handle everything creative AND technical. Pure talent!!"
"Austin, thanks again for the great mix you delivered! I would recommend Austin to anyone in need of audio mixing services. It was evident that Austin paid close attention to every detail, ensuring that each element of..."
"Working with Jimmy is always a great experience! He is fast, efficient, friendly and delivers amazing results!"
"Another job well done by Michael! Love working with this guy, he's super dependable and he NEVER disappoints! Throw him on any project and he immediately improves the overall quality of the song! Can't wait to work wi..."