Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fuerza Dread
Hello, I specialize in remote sessions and I offer many classic sounds, incredible synth´s, and keyboards tracks at affordable rates. Send me a message and let's talk about your project - the groove is guaranteed!
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Providing professional DJ and Audio services for private Gatherings, Ceremonies, Receptions, Cocktails, and Other events. Professional DJ Equipment Rental also available, including Delivery, Setup, and Removal.
classical singer and performer,trained in hindustani and carnatic classical music, performs indian light and film songs
I treat every project as if it were my own. I do this for the working-class musician. I do this for the person that works a 9 to 5 by day, and a musician by night.
Think out of the box and puchback the limits. I like to merge different music styles to create my own one; each project is unique and music should enhance the showing feelings.
I play a collection of unique instruments. My drums are 1963 Rogers Holiday. My guitar collection includes acoustics, electrics, 12 strings, and pawnshop oddballs from who knows where. My bass is from Transylvania (seriously). My piano is a 1909 Steinway Model K. My focus lately is my custom built electric zither from Polyphonic Workshop.
A film composer, and audio engineer, producing background sound for films, videos.
Let's collaborate to bring your creative vision to life, marrying technical precision with artistic expression.
Billboard Producer/Mix Engineer
Recent Successes
"Aviram made a fantastic drum track. He went over the song scratch track with my ideas (MIDI clicks, mic'd voice drum simulation, live feeds) and nailed it already on the first take. Then we just added some corrections..."
"Incredibly talented artist!! Works with you until your satisfied with the final product! "
"Zach did a great job mastering my track, he really brought it to a professional level. The highs were crispy, the lows were nice and full. He turned it around super quickly too, great job! I'll definitely be using ..."
"I hired Darrell to record drums on my latin rock song. Excellent job!!! I gave him some notes to follow and he was right on target on what I wanted! Great communicator too! Will work with him again! Thank you Da..."
"got another mix from dontaskalex and i'm impressed as always! really balanced sound and clear & punchy vocals! well deserved 5 stars"
" It took me some time to deliver the stems to Jaun...In saying that , he is one of the most patient, professional musicians that I have ever come across on this platform. If he tells you it will be completed the next ..."
"Andres is great "
"Loved working with Claude. His knowledge base and skillset were a real asset. Loved his willingness to have dialog to ensure the integrity of the music. I'm sure to call on him again soon."