Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Giant stream studio
I will produce your tracks Smooth jazz, jazz, fusion, funk, pop, Rock, Edm. In addition to this, I carry out drum sessions, mixing sessions and professional mastering.
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Hello, I am a songwriter from London, Ontario, Canada. I have been playing guitar for 25 years and started writing originals about 5 years ago. I have constantly upgraded my skills though online courses, reading and lots of practice, of course.
Collaborating with artists to craft great recorded drums is what I love to do. My focus is creating parts and tones that bring a strong groove and musicality to your song.
Need a professional music producer to help you finish your project? Need a Soundtrack? Movie Score? Theme song? Background ambience? Video-game music? Or maybe just a jingle for your advertisement? Don’t worry, Gold City’s got the melodies.
Do you need a classic jazz or Django-like guitar? You´re in the right place!
I really like expanding on creative projects others have already creatively engaged with, which is exactly what mixing is for me. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my services!
I’m looking for a singer & an mixing engineer that is able to record us making music
Electronic Music Producer specialising in meticulously crafted, uplifting dance music, with a focus on precise and dynamic drum programming.
Xavi Gm , La Solucion Inc.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic pro experience; I was lucky to find Dan on a whim when I tossed a file up here on this site, really for fun, to see what's up. An awesome surprise: The whole package, professional service, honest, fair, and ..."
"I had a very unusual project I knew it wasn't the usual sort of task. Strangely I found the site and Alex's profile at same time and decided he was the one... and he was! He had a lot of enthusiasm for the project and..."
"Alina is a great vocalist to work with! Great communication and provided great vocals on the first attempt. If you want a track with power vocals, she is the artist to work with. Can't wait to work on another project ..."
"Really motivated + good results! Always open for feedback and good communication. "
"I cannot express how happy I am. I handed Dr. Ford a difficult job and he expertly handled all of the tough aspects with a clear eye. I am a complete novice, and Dr. Ford treated me with patience, kindness and respe..."
"Phenomenal! Chris did as tasteful and just plain skillful a job on this project as I can imagine anyone anywhere doing. I'd call him again in a heartbeat. Great communication and very quick turnaround to boot!"
"This was my second time having Todd master some songs for me, and again I'm very happy with the results and the level of service Todd provides."