Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with giobulla
Jevinson Alfonso, artistically known as Dwayne Alfonso Aka El Gorila, is a Dominican record producer, Recording Mixing & Mastering Engineer. Born and raised in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
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One of the best up and coming producers from Virginia, Yung Eazy brings to the table an array of talent displayed in his music production. His style is undefined, yet masterfully created to allow the artist to feel the idea in their head come to life.
If you are looking for a hardworking, experienced, multiplatinum selling weirdo to collab with I could be that perfect match.
Delivering Groove In a Digital Age! Get the feel of a live drummer on your tracks, with all the benefits of digital samples! Perfectly recorded drum sounds played musically with great feel to compliment your track.
I like to have some "classical" flavor and also some synthy stuff. Sometimes almost like 80s.
Favourite achievement: Hans Zimmer commented on my work. Most unusual instrument I play: Fretless Guitar. I am a signed artist (soloist guitar player) and work with the best players in the world, GRAMMY award winners and GRAMMY nominees on a regular basis.
I like to make music for anime scenes and EDM and Gaming Trap music.
Hi, i am dj nick.
Hi my name is yung noob Am a Egyptian music producer / rapper /audio engineer
Recent Successes
"I was totally impressed with Mastered by Kramer, from start to finish of my project. They contacted me within an hour of my request, presented a proposal to master my song by the next day, and then delivered on time...."
"Maria is awesome, I highly recommend her!"
"Plesant communication, fast delivery, great sound. Chad is pro mixer for modern sound with attitude. "
"When you have Elise on your team, your music will blossom for the world to hear the beauty of her .voice. Thank you so much Elise!"
"Musicians like Matt are the reason soundbetter is great, World class musicians playing on our little songs. I'll drink to that!"
"One of the most unique vocal styles on this site, perhaps one day we will work together in person, but in any case, the world needs to hear her voice!!! "
"Terrific experience with Dave! He delivered a top-notch mix of one of my songs—well-balanced and punchy, absolutely divine to listen to. Will get back to him for more mixes!"