Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Grace Power
Whether recording studio-quality guitar or bass parts, creating a full instrumental track, or arranging your live tracks for your show, I can get the job done!
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I value creativity and originality as the best part of music. I consider myself a listener and I take great joy in helping people achieve their musical visions. I Co-wrote and fully produced I've Got The Gold. Which had a remix that charted 23 on Switzerland viral and 34 on Poland viral chart.
Sound Producer, Mixing Engineer, Composer, Songwriter, Sound Designer
We've worked on over 30 projects, providing top-notch digital mastering on different genres and styles. We can adjust to your specific needs in a way that no algorithm can.
Music producer with over 10 years of experience, PhD in Immersive Music in Binaural Format. Quality and professionalism always first!
15+ years of experience in Production, Mixing and Mastering straight from the wolrd's Electronic Music capital.
In a single word, I am a Magician... In a few more words, I am a Songwriter & Record Producer, which means my entire existence is based upon bringing the unseen, into the seen and... For the last decade of my life, I have given myself over to the mastery of music from a performing artist's side as well as a record producer's point of view.
Songwriter, multiinstrumentalist, producer
GYPZE is a producer / beatmaker audio-engineer DJ Was born in Hanover on November 13th, 1993. Its origins belong to the Roma ethnic group. He produces his own type of EDM. He’s loves to experiment with atmosphere and bass or sometimes is sentimental. He tries to set up a new project with many singers. It changes from genre to other genre. He lik
Recent Successes
"No need to look any further if you're looking for the perfect rock vocalist to bring your song alive. I will certainly be doing more work with Chandler as I move on through my journey of writing lyrics and make music!! "
"I loved working with Camilo on my very challenging pop project. I wanted to push the envelop in terms of loudness and danceability, yet avoid any distortion of the vocals. He is very detailed oriented and supported m..."
"Hugo is really, really good at playing saxophone!"
"Asked Eestbound to turn my mix into a professional sounding song ready for release and thats exactly what happened! If you want your song mixed, Eestbound is your guy fr! Looking forward to working with him again. "
"I highly recommend Ariel to any artist who's serious about their product. 1) Ariel has actually made *verified* world-wide hits, and the song he gave us back sounds like a world-wide hit!!! 2) The proposal he gave u..."
"Bruno has played some really lovely guitar for me, nicely copied from an idea I had. He was quick too, good at communication and happy to make any changes. Excellent, thanks Bruno! Cheers, Nick"