Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gui simões
Mixing engineer, 10 years of experience.
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Planetruth - I love creating lush, original harmonies, live and recorded. I also edit videos and soundtracks
Female Pop/Soul singer/songwriter with over a dozen film, TV and commercial placements (NBC, Bravo, Lifetime, Dove, etc). EPs and singles available for streaming online.
Musical chameleon. Specializes in pop, rock, and ukulele. Portfolio includes work with GRAMMY winning/platinum artists such as Christopher Tin, Jordan Witzigreuter (The Ready Set), Mike Green, Tommy English, and more.
Polished sounding mixes and mastering. Vocal Tuning, Balancing and Mastering
One Stop Shop for all your Sound Production Needs!
Full time professional bassist, song writer and producer. Pop/Indie/Alternative. Mix engineer when the opportunities arise. Guitarist as well.
Jesus Garcia, Mejor conocido como Noisesix. Nació en la ciudad de Maracay en Venezuela, un 5 de septiembre de 1995, Hijo de padres venezolanos, fue criado la mayor parte de su niñez en esta pequeña ciudad de Maracay, desde muy pequeño se intereso mucho en la música en diferentes géneros especialmente el Urbano.
Latin Grammy nominated producer.
Recent Successes
"TJ did a Great job on my chainsmoker track followed the demo very well as well as adding her personality i highly recomend her for your next project"
"Yaron is the real deal. Very professional and does a great job with every track. He's a friendly dude and great to work with. I recommend going to him if you want to sound legit."
"I first hired him for his sensibility to music. I was surprised to see how talented he is - If you are a filmmaker, I would hire him! His communication skill was extremely helpful. So glad that I discovered him here o..."
"Aaron is an amazing engineer. He knows his stuff really well and is very patient. He brought out the best potential in my song, and I highly recommend him to anyone looking for any audio engineering work done! Comple..."
"Incredibly talented and professional! "
"Great work and Great professionals. Excellent final result."
"Brendan did a great job! Nice to work with as well! I recommend! "
"Got what I needed fast and with no issues."
"Bruce is an excellent multi-instrument player (Dobro and violin on my track). Excellent communication and overall nice guy! The tracks fit very well...it was as easy as "Play and plug-in". Thanks Bruce!!"