Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Imaginary Friends Music Partners
Hi I'm Lacey, professional vocalist and songwriter offering versatile & fast delivery. From soulful-pop (Mariah Carey, Sabrina Carpenter) to R&B, Country, Gospel, Singer/Songwriter & Jazz. I am an experienced vocalist with a Music Certificate in Music Business from Berklee College of Music Online.
90+ Episodes As Contributing Composer for CBS, The Young & Restless | Signed Artist to Steven Scharf Entertainment & Imaginary Friends. I'm a Full Production Studio, Composer, Pop Singer & Songwriter. I specialize in crafting commercially appealing songs start to finish. Bring me your idea and let's push your creation to the peak of its potential!
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I'm Matt Seely - I've been playing and recording music for years. Studied at Hennepin Tech for Audio Engineering, and been involved with 3 personal studios and freelanced out of a few throughout the twin cities.
Need professional acoustic/electric Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass? I’ll do it. Need a mix? I’ll do it. Need a master? I’ll do it.
Am a Aspiring Artist and Music Producer who is also a Full-Time Software Engineer.
JC Physics Tuition
10+ Million digital streams on self-titled works, publications with Warner Music Publishing, featured projects on EDM.com & House Nation, credited on works with Sadie Jean (prev. imalwaysadie), Kwesi, Covex, Zack Martino, SUNDRESS, and more.
Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, Clay dedicated countless hours to perfecting his unique sonic identity. Fuelled by his creativity and vision, he constructed his very own recording studio, One More Time Recording —a space where his musical ideas could come to life with precision and authenticity.
I'm a session guitarist and vocalist located in East Texas. I'd love to collaborate and deliver what you need for your project!
I'm a versatile singer, guitarist, songwriter (lyrics and music), arranger, and music producer with extensive experience across multiple genres. From soulful vocals and intricate guitar work to original compositions and full-scale production, I bring passion and precision to every project. Let’s collaborate and bring your musical vision to life
Recent Successes
" John and his team create a great sounding product within the scope of the project using the direction and plans as the start for inspiration.Their efforts reach beyond the plans to create music that connects with all..."
"The first version wasn't what I was looking for, I gave my feedback and got a new version very fast that was on par with my suggestions. Fast and pleasant interaction. Thanks!"
"Shes so professional, a vocal gem and a star to work with. I would love the pleasure of working with her in the future! She's extremely creative and i can't write highly enough about her to do her justice! "
"Professional and super talented. Quick reply and fast turn around. Would recommend for anyone and use her again."
"surpassed my expectations, very very impressed with the masters. really brought out the dynamics and added punch, would recommend!"
"Matty came through for a second time for me with a top notch mix and master. Just the same as before, he was friendly, responsive, professional and timely with a high quality delivery. Matty has a great ear and will p..."
"Rory is a fantastic singer! His vocals have great tone, range and character. I look forward to sending more songs his way! He's a total pro!"
"Brittany you really went off on this one. I don't know what to do with myself right now. You killed this project. If you've worked with Brittany you are a returning customer. She gives you everything you ask for and t..."
"I mean it when I tell you that Hugo is a genius! Easily my go to for Sax hooks. He has elevated 3 songs of mine thus far and I know for a fact I would get his help again in the future if need be."