Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joey Thrun
Professional producer, mix engineer, writer, guitarist, vocalist...
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Jon is a freelance mix engineer, musician and Pro tools expert. Being a mix and recording engineer that has worked with many artists as well as the BBC, he knows what a great record should sound like.
I deliver what you want
I'm composer and owner of AKMusic Productions, from Minneapolis, MN (USA). I currently compose for domestic and international music production libraries that pipe music into the television industry, along with film, game and trailer projects, advertising opportunities, and various other musical projects. I also compose for hire.
20 years experience producing, mixing & mastering - award winning sound designer, remixer & composer. Mixing and mastering can be a daunting process. I make sure my clients are confident that their aims for each record has been communicated, understood and executed. The artist comes first, each and every time. I'm here to enhance your vision!
Beatmaker- Produtor Musical & Musicista
Award winning, Grammy Nominated music composer/producer in both audio and visual media. I have become established and currently work in both industries; custom scoring and placing my music in over 2000+ projects in tv/film/videogames/campaigns/promos/trailers/artist and other forms of media.
#TNM Small Guy Records Inc, is a record label that is owned by its artists. The company works together with #TNM The New Music Movement Inc., www.thenewmovement.com a non-profit that provides music business education & advocacy to indie artists. We also run #TNM LLC, specializing in Production, Song Writing, Publishing, Copyright & other services.
Recent Successes
"Erika's the real deal. She takes instruction very well, she's organized and she's prompt. But best of all, she's a terrific singer able to morph into a plethora of various stylings, fitting into virtually any musical ..."
"He's got good bars and made a good adjustment in the revision that I asked for. Going to keep working with him."
"graet producer"
"Awesome clean warm Lead Vocals and harmonies (pitch perfect) her recording were really good, easy to work with. I look forward to collaborating again, thanks Molly!"
"Dylan was awesome to work with. He was incredibly communicative and took the demo and created a final product that matched the tone, feel, and energy of the song perfectly. Would highly recommend Dylan for top-tier d..."
"Sakari is excellent! I have used her for lead and backgrounds and she is consistently wonderful and professional! You will see me using me a lot in the future."
"Teo did amazing work, was really good to communicate with and came up with a fantastic piece. Looking forward to collaborating with Teo again in the future!"
"Very talented! She nailed the backup vocals for an artist I'm producing. "