Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Juniper Fly
Quality bass, rock, and metal records from the Minneapolis underground. Being an independent artist myself, I work/vibe well with bands. I want to work WITH you.
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“deemed an apostle before the reckoning, my spirit needs no questioning, used to speak with hesitance, but now my words is heaven sent..” I have lyrically worked with Odd Future, NRK, Lamar Jay and multiple talented up & comers. If you are looking for vocabulary and wit in your music, then we should definitely work. In the end, it’s about the music
An experienced producer and mixing engineer who will take your music to the next level.
I am a freelance session drummer for all styles of music with more than 30 years of experience. Send me your programed drum tracks or drum charts and I will record your drum tracks for you!
Budapest based FOH/Monitor and Broadcast engineer with studio recording and mixing experience, working for Hungary's top clubs, festivals and acts with additional touring experience outside of Hungary.
I take influences and find a way to put my own creative spin on it. Make it feel fresh, new. Unique processing methods on sounds. My childlike attitude with creating leads to a lot of happy accidents. In terms of song writing I lean toward raw words, emotion and intuition.
Shubham Patel An Indian Artist, Entrepreneur, Producer.
Professional cellist, work in all genres
Graduating from Belmont University, SHIR has done songwriting camps with UMPG, Sony Music Germany, Atlantic, ArtHouse, and RX Songs. Penning viral songs for major label artists (Jessica Baio, Alexa Cappelli), Shir's songwriting catalog has amassed over 50 million streams on Spotify. SHIR specializes in Pop, Acoustic Pop, and EDM.
Recent Successes
"Señor Lee knows what he’s doing. Very professional, patient, honest, and understanding. He will listen to your vision, apply every note/feedback you give him and get the job done. His price is soooooooo well wearth yo..."
"Chuck is an amazing drummer, you can hear that he loves playing, he will make you drool!"
"Great guy to work with! Great communication."
"Undy was great to work with! I needed a great female vocal for a project and she nailed it. And she worked so fast! If you liked her profile song and felt her voice is what you're looking for, you'll get a great produ..."
"Michal's voice is absolutely wonderful but she also brings an incredible level of musicality and professionalism to the gig. The quality of her recordings, precision of her harmonies and accuracy of her timing just bl..."
"Over some years, Shawn has become an essential part of the sound of our project. He always manages to find the perfect way to infuse his own passion and emotion into every performance. His ability to bring a song to l..."
"PG Brown did an outstanding job on the vocals for my project! He was able to sing the melody of the song with the right passion and soul and bring the song to its best potential. "
"Ivy is such a phenomenal person to have on your team. She is so talented and really good with the melodies she comes up with! I am very glad I decided to work with her and highly recommend her. :)"
"Always a pleasure working with Austin on some great tracks! "