Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kacti
I am a mix engineer and guitarist with access to state of the art equipment and studying a joint honours degree in music performance and production. I am looking gain experience, in both these areas by working live bands and artists, from a variety of genres, mixing their songs and possibly recording guitar for.
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Hello Artist, nice to meet you Musician and welcome to Björn Basil Studios based right in the heart of Europe, Frankfurt/M., where I am creating as a Musician working as a Sound Engineer for several years already. I'm glad you found and chose Björn Basil Studios and I'm looking forward to do great work with you! Your vision is my mission
As and award-winning Producer and Engineer, I represent the ultimate hybrid between 'Creative' & 'Technical'. South Africa is uniquely influenced by US and Euro music trends, making me extremely versatile in many genres, from live type production to electronic music.
EDM/House Producer and DJ Located in Los Angeles, CA
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I sing all the genres, I’ve been in Persia’s Got Talent, I’ve been signed to Sony Music.
Hi, My name is Crown! I have over 20years experience in vocal arrangements, background vocals and Leads in Jazz, Hip hop, RnB, Gospel, World/ Afro
It's sounds good. Cause I'm sound engineer. I worked with so many artist in past days, I'm always try to be creative and unique. I do emotion filled mixes.
Recent Successes
"Myah is so talented I love working with her! She is the best songwriter I have ever worked with she has a special gift with catchy melodies and lyrics. And on top of that her vocals are so amazing as well!"
"Another collaboration with Eileen, and it went AMAZING as always. Super professional and versatile singer and songwriter with a gorgeous voice! Really really recommended"
"Jemini really makes music that POPS! If you want to take your music to the next level then I definitely recommend. And he is fast in communication ,returns and will give you exactly what you want."
"Second time working with Matt! Great experience and music."
"Nathalie and her team were awesome to work with! They were able to paint the vision I had for the record and in a professional timely manner. I will definitely be working with her in the future."
"Once again, outstanding quality master from Tom, done in record turnaround time. I've never looked any further for Mastering Engineers once I found him, he simply never disappoints!"
"Perfect playing, the complete package of British guitar ambience and wonderful layering. Can't wait to work with Nick again."
"I just completed my first song with George, but it is masterful. He nailed the emotion of the song in such a way that I won't need to add a lot of production to sell it. This will be the first of many songs I'll see..."