Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kenny Beyda
I make music and sounds for videos and all forms of content. Whether you need a cool beat, full song, orchestral score, or weird sounds fx, I can be your one stop shop.
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Hi, I am an Audio Engineer from Munich
Smart Boy is a professional musician, producer, singer/songwriter, and DJ specializing in Hip-Hop, Rap, EDM, and R&B but is versatile in any genre of music. Smart Boy is also an in-house producer for the legendary Patchwerk Recording Studios in Atlanta, GA. True creation only comes when we listen to what our project is trying to tell us.
Flexible hours, versatile production, multiple genres
Named music choice of the month by the creative armory, my ears are definitely in the business of sound. I sing and rap, an Afro futuristic type and a splash of frequency speciality. I’m great with words and can help with structure of your music.
I am a 30 years old French rapper, songwriter and topliner with over 15 years experience in music over various genres. Originally from France, I have lived 8 years in London and over a year in Miami, where I had the opportunity to work with numerous artists, businesses and TV shows in both French and English.
Riff Palace Recording studio is run by a seasoned musician that has been playing for over 15 years, recording for 13 years, has toured the country countless times, and recorded 4 albums in amazing studios before starting my own. I know what mucic can and should sound like, so if you're looking for a fast, high quality turnaround, look no further.
Credits Incl: Ladytron / The Coral / Miles Kane / The K's / Jamie Webster / Darkoo / Odeal / Girls Of The Internet / RATS / Dream Nails & more
10-yr experience in music production working with independent artists, online radio shows, guestmixes, hosting and more.
Recent Successes
"Alina has a unique sound. Would definitely work with her again on future productions. "
"amazing communication & patience and can make it happen! my favorite producer!"
"Young GOATTTTTT <3 It family "
"Matt is just amazing! I started working with him on the first song, he turned it around pushed out the best in it. I just finished my 4th song with him and waiting for the 5th. That by itself says a lot. He's professi..."
"Michael is a pro.It was a pleasure working with him!!!"
"This was my second song mixed by Ben and he once again did great work. Brought clarity and volume to the various instruments that I could not have achieved on my own. He's extremely well versed in his craft and very..."
"Seth mixed and mastered my whole album, based on reference demos from my own mixes. Seth is the best engineer I've worked with in my many years of recording music. He is extremely perceptive and has an excellent ear f..."
"Sergio is a brilliant artist with a big soul I'm working with him on several songs He gave me great inspiration for my album!! His creativity and his professionalism contributed a lot to my album I am very lucky t..."
"Camilo is simply the best, smashed my song out the ball park with his mastering of it. Absolutely love it. Can’t recommend highly enough. I’ve used him loads before and will continue to do so with my next set of songs. "
"There'll be bad moments when making music, then yuh link Steven and music nice again!!"