Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kings and pills
I am a recording and mixing engineer that works mostly with rock, indie and metal music and have recently opened my own studio in Berlin.
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Matthew Marino is a songwriter/ producer from Los Angeles, CA, his writing credits and recent collaborations include MOD SUN, blackbear, Wes Ghost, Charlotte Sands, Bryce Vine, Fame On Fire, Said The Sky, Sueco, Huddy, Cassadee Pope, Lil Aaron, Travis Mills, Bad Wolves, Chri$tian Gates, Plain White Tees, Connor Kaufmann and many more.....
What's up fam! I am Godis, (pronounced Goddess) da OG if you feel me! I am a ghost & songwriter as well as an artist/ aspiring voice over artist at your service! Wanna collab? Need help with your hook & chorus? Low on positive vibes & inspiration? Need your song arranged for you? Well what are you waiting for? Message me now, Let's Work!
Here to collaborate alongside creatives and their teams; bringing material from its current status, to an industry standard production.
I'm a brazilian beatmaker e music producer, I also play as a DJ in urban dance events. I'm looking for jobs as a producer, arranger, co-producer, mixing, talkbox hook
Professional Mastering service - 100% Industry Standard. Mixdown Services - 100% Industry Standard. Top selling Deep House artist - charting top 10/100 on the popular platforms such as Beatport.
> Επεξεργασία Ήχου: Μπορούμε να κάνουμε μια ηχογράφηση από το σπίτι σας να ακούγεται σαν επαγγελματική. > Μίξη Ήχου: Έχετε Ηχογραφήσει το Podcast ή το Τραγούδι σας και η μίξη δεν σας ακούγεται καλά; Είμαστε εμείς εδώ για να το κάνουμε για εσάς! > Mastering: Αναλαμβάνουμε να σας κάνουμε το τελικό Mastering!
I will mix and master your pop, rock, hip hop, edm, rap song. Professional Mixing and Mastering
Recent Successes
"Marco, Came through once again great ear he captured what we needed precisely. Always a pleasure working with such a great musician."
"Jeff is my go-to Musician when it comes to sax!"
"Adam is very professional in the way he works. His mastering skills are phenomenal. His communication is crisp, clear, and responsive. It's been an absolute pleasure working with him on this project!"
"Ziv delivered a phenomenal electric guitar solo for our existing track. His solo and style was exactly what the song needed! Brought a breath of fresh air and added an exciting track top on top! Fast and easy to work ..."
"Quality work from Rob as always. Excited to work with him again on our next track!"
"Patrick is amazing! He is a pleasure to work with and does fantastic work in a timely manner. I am blown away by the quality of music he produces and would highly recommend him to anyone looking to take their sound to..."
"Working with Ethan again has been pleasing as always. He is so friendly and easy to work with. The man has a golden voice which hardly needs any tuning or editing. In addition his skills for harmonies and performance ..."
"I Highly recommend Yonnie who is a very expressive player and who gave us exactly what was needed. He is very accommodating, willing to try different styles / techniques until the result is just right. A pleasure to w..."
"Sara has an amazing voice which brought an entirely new level of excitement, enjoyment, and life to my track! The quality of the performance and recording is top-notch, and her communication was prompt and clear - she..."
"If I could give Yoed 10 out of 5 stars, I would. I was absolutely blown away by the strings he put down for my new song. He sent over possibly one of the most beautiful string arrangements I have ever heard. And his c..."