Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kityiu grace
Mixing Warm Wide and Silky. My top priority is to convey the song's musicality and dimension to the audience, as imagined by you.
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Songs that were produced and engineered by me have over millions of streams and received listeners from over 81 countries.
Creative and experienced audio engineer. Sonically enhance your music with Giorgio at SOUNDBYGIO!
I produce, mix and master trance, techno and house music. I can do some breaks but prefer to work in the 3 main genres. If you need help with mixing and mastering I can help clean up muddy mixes and give it a nice polish ready to release. I have a degree in sound engineering and released various records on vinyl, CD and mp3.
Performing artist since 2010 with songwriting experience since 2012. Currently arranging/producing a cappella covers and originals, and singing with a cappella group, New Recording 47.
I'm a professional music producer based in Europe (Slovakia). I produced a lot of hits in my country and in Czech Republic as well (just type ''prod. Konex" in youtube. Music producing is my professional job, I usually make hip-hop beats, but I can make anything. So if you're looking for a custom beat, just let me know!
I'm here to help take your project to the next level with industry-tested skills.
Music producer and songwriter with more than 15 years of experience
In-person & online session drummer, fluid with most genres, lover of jazz and world music. All top quality gear, custom hand made drums.
Recent Successes
"Professional sound and very fast to reply. Thanks Edo!"
"It's better than I expected! Sound really complex and professional. "
"I was promised awesome vocals for my old-school rock song, and that's what I got! My second collaboration with Christian and definitely not the last. Very friendly, very professional and the best rock voice around. Hi..."
"Dan’s mixing and production is excellent. He did even more work on my track than I first asked for and I would recommend him to anyone! "
"has done a fast and efficient job. Obtaining the exactly type of sound we were looking for."
"Bram is a fantastic mastering engineer! He nailed my track on the first version, opened up the entire spectrum, pushed it to a super-high performance, really understood the emotional direction the song was going for. ..."
"Just finished my third project working with Chris. The fact that he's available here for artists to benefit from his expertise is a blessing within-self. "