Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lavallette
Mixing all genres especially Synthwave, Alt/Indie, Rock, Metal and offering Full Service production. We want to see your vision through. Our production team offers complete music production as well as dialogue production.
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The Flying Norseman (Evan DePue) is a Recording and Mix Engineer based in Chicago. Also a session bass player w/ 15 years playing experience. Graduated from Columbia College Chicago in 2009 w/ degree in Audio Arts & Acoustics, specializing in Audio for Visual Media. Check out ongoing project for Chicago band SMOKER here: https://smoker.bandcamp.com
Hi! My name is Matteo and I'm from Italy. I'm a musician that I've been 13 years old. I'm a freelancer sound mix engineer since 2011. I have recorded, mixed and mastered a single song for Didols, published in a Festivalshow compilation on 2014 available on Itunes, a funny swing sound song that sold many copies in Italy.
I'm a multidisciplinary artist and sound designer based in Seoul, South Korea. I've collaborated with artists such as Suzanne Ciani, Janek Gwizdala, Jordan Rudess among others.
I am a professional touring and session guitarist with over 15 years of experience, currently performing with Jesse Daniel, Vincent Neil Emerson, and Jaime Wyatt.
Do you need heavy rock/metal guitar? How about ambient dreamy chords? Maybe even synth-like guitar sounds?You're in luck my friend. I'm a small bedroom producer that has played guitar for almost 10 years, willing to add guitar to your track for low cost yet high quality.
Julian Schweitzer is an in-demmand producer and mixing engineer based in Melbourne, Australia. His speciality lies in producing and mixing ear grabbing pop that translates through speakers big and small.
I can provide high quality lead vocals, backing vocals and bespoke choir arrangement.
My liver is young to offer, lets cook smth up!
Recent Successes
"Marcello and I have been working together for over 6 months now. I have never had more fun working collaboratively with another musician. This experience has been eye opening and helped me grow as a musician. Marce..."
"Another perfect Job and one happy client :) Really could not highlight enough the pleasure it is working with Kunert until the delivery of always an exceptional end product."
"Gus keeps surprising me with his creativity. He is a true musician at his core. Keep it up!"
"Part one is amazing so far! Thank you for bringing the song to life :) Knox is very understanding and easy to work with!"
"Denny is simply the best singer I've ever worked with. Huge talent and the kindest person in this world, he provided all the revisions I needed. Highly recommended, can't wait to work with him again in the future !"
"Everything about the experience of working with Phil was fantastic, He is a true pro, the turn around was quick and focused and everything he delivered was full of a musicality that only a superb and seasoned musician..."
"Every time I am pleasantly surprised by the result. Without any problems and even without references - at once what I needed. I didn't even have to explain! Ready to do more! Thank you!!!"
"Justin brings it every time!!"
"Thx again for a new outstanding collaboration!"