Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lil Jhons
Hi! My name is Axl Cordova and I specialize in turning good music into great music. Pro mixing and mastering engineer and highly creative producer. I guarantee i will take your songs to the next level and i will provide you with feedbacks to improve your productions.
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2Track Entertainment specializes in giving you the quality sound of todays top trends in Rap/Hip Hop, RnB and Dark RnB.. With a unique approach to Analog/Digital recording and mixing we deliver clean, punchy and dynamic mixes every time.
I love my dog
Creating new relevant Sounds with a focus on the Artists Vision
I play old school influenced blues, country, folk and roots rock on my telecaster, Martin acoustic, lap and pedal steel guitars and vintage Fender bass. Im here to bring a wealth of experience in the world of online sessions to make your project awesome in any way I possibly can.
Keyboard player and song writer, all genres. Worked with: Francis Neve, The Z-Bar Band, Hotep, The Last, Fez, Next of Six
I work with music with the help of my soul, not my brain, and at the same time I know all the subtleties of sound engineering
Worked with some of the world's most known Hip-Hop artists. I strive to have a unique sound by creating timeless music instead of following trends.
I can work in Songwriting, Producing, Mixing and Mastering! Specialized in Dance/EDM/Pop Music. I've been learning from several courses from the best producers, songwriters and mixing engineers of this industry like: Louis Bell, Luca Pretolesi, Ryan Tedder, and many others.
Recent Successes
"Lachi continues to make our work come alive in her recordings and mixing for our female a cappella group. Highly recommend!"
"Incredible performances delivered at lightning speed. Amazing experience!"
"Tim is one of the most versatile bass players you could find in the world. We were working on a demo of a Country-Rock song. My bassline and his ideas, sound and playing is the combination I was looking for this song..."
"Brian was great - absolutely love his sound and delivered exactly what I asked for. I'd definitely work with him again!"
"AMAZING experience. Samuel is not only a 100% professional, outstanding mastering engineer and musician, he's also a warm-hearted and really forthcoming person. I had to fight a few mistakes and he's been more than pa..."
"Awesome experience. Everything was explained thoroughly with great detail and patience. Final product exceeded expectations and I will surely be back in the future! Was very indecisive on who to go with for my project..."
"I recently had the immense pleasure of collaborating with the exceptionally talented singer, AngelConcepcion, and I can confidently say that working with her was an absolute delight. Angel is not just a great singer, ..."
"Wow! I'm absolutely blown away by Kinnie on all fronts. Working with her was an absolute pleasure—she's incredibly professional, talented, and creative. She not only helped bring the project to life but elevated it to..."