Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luis Zepeda
Mixing and Mastering Services.
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Hello! A little about me. I used to listen to my brick iPod on the bus for hours as a kid. Since then, I've known how great music can be and how much it can bring to our lives. I hope to make great lasting work. And I believe if we work together, I can bring your track to its full potential.
Hi, I'm Robert! Songs that I've written/performed/produced have been licensed thousands of times across a variety of mediums. If you connect with my work, I'd love to talk about collaborating on your project!
Current music student specialising with guitar and music technologies. Fully qualified in Sibelius 7.5 and Pro tools 101. Also with a strong working knowledge of Logic Pro X.
Im a producer got my certificate in micing mastering and recording
SPYRODON makes unique animated content for other bands and entities. SPYRODON is a sound and visual project, creating beautiful animations, loops, motion graphics and hand-drawn imagery and album covers that are dreamlike and surreal. We have worked for many musicians, including Oh Sees and Sean Lennon.
I'm Supajinja the voice of the street voice of Niggas
Leave the music to me! Trust me.. I promise you won't regret it !
Juilliard Jazz educated multi-instrumentalist specialized in Brass and Synthesizers. Music Director and arranger, most notably for Helena Hallberg.
Recent Successes
"Just finished another track with Jason. Awesome job as usual. Jason is very open to suggestions and follows directions well. He's a great communicator and very easy to work with. I highly recommend him!"
"DEfintely a great engineer for a fair price. ALso, great communicator and willing to go the extra mile to satisfy you. However, from the jump he already does a great job that you are already satisfy with. I definite..."
"Christian is a terrific producer. Huge help on my project."
"Tyler is now beginning to mix a 3rd song. I've been attempting to mix my own music for a very long time....... and I just don't have the expertise to do what he has accomplished. I am very happy with what he has ..."
"He made my voice sound amazing!! Thanks Erik :)"
"I've got a pop album set to release in January and needed a remix on one song to help work it into this release. Source nailed it. Communication was great, eta spot on, attention to detail tight. Top Pro. Looking forw..."
"Steinar did a wonderful job with a couple of guitar solo parts I was having trouble with. He knew exactly what the song needed and responded quickly. The parts were recorded perfectly, hardly had to do any eq'ing once..."
"It was a pleasure working with Marcello. He Rocks! His voice is amazing and his work ethic is professional and prompt. He delivered the goods with his impressive range and timbre. I look forward to working with him ag..."
"Here are some Billion Dollar questions. How do you get amazing vocals on your projects? How do you get incredible songwriting on your projects? How do you work with top-tier professional talent? Here are the Answers..."
"Courtney is amazing. She was just as I imagined when I saw her profile. She delivered and her vocal was pretty great. I definitely recommend her for your project."