Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luunah
Topliner - I can write and sing on your track
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I am a freelance Producer/Engineer and Mixer based in London. I specialise in recording and mixing a wide range of pop and rock music with a particular emphasis on great songwriters. I worked in-house at many of London's best studios and am now an independent/ freelance Producer and engineer.
Hello , i'm Goran Alavuk , very well expirienced session electronic musician and mixing engineer. i would be happy that i can help you alot with your needs. have a nice day !
Mark Rudin is an accomplished artist, producer, and songwriter with a masterful command of multiple instruments - particularly horns. His song "Miracle" was a winner on season 2 of the NBC show Songland, and his work has been featured in major ad campaigns for brands such as Grey Goose and Simple Mills, as well as trailers for the Tom and Jerry Mov
Composer of "Identities" Ballet Music
Redbull India Artist. 20 Years Old. Vibey And Melodic Beats and Music.
I'm a freelance music producer, engineer and guitarist based in Belgium. I write, record and produce music for independant artists and major brands.
I'm a web site editor and game expert. I like camping and reading. But the main hobby is gambling. I like to do research about new games and to be up to trends of gambling.
Hi! My name is Anne, I'm a singer-songwriter located in Amsterdam. I write lyrics and melodies for songs in English & Dutch. Hit me up if you want to collaborate!
Recent Successes
"If you want a great voice and professional vocals, use Riley. Highly recommend and hope to work with him again. "
"I have worked with Dan now on numerous occasions, and i can honestly say, that it has been the best working relationship i have had with anyone on here. Dan is hands-on, honest, talented and understanding, in a way th..."
"At first, I wasn't happy with Tyree's mix but thanks to his open communication and his skills the song turned out to be amazing and I'm totally satisfied! "
"Brandon is an exceptional talent. Doubtful you will find a better male vocalist for your demo. Amazing tone, range, intonation and musicality. Great on the guitar too. Very professional, pleasure to work with. Thanks ..."
"Again a great job done by Austin! Now on our side we need to finish up the project and make it a succes!!"
"Quick response, real talent, delivered exactly what we asked for. Great job."
"What an incredible session musician/cellist Chelsea McGough is! She promptly delivered the tracks on the proposed deadline and her work was excellent! Her tone is impeccable and the recordings were clean and professio..."
"Maarten helped me by making the track and having it signed to Spinnin! I will never forget what you did for me, Talk to you soon once again :) SO HYPED"
"Alex is an incredible musician and producer! he can do anything you ask him to. From producing, to mixing, to playing amazing drums. Plus, he is an excellent person, super friendly and easy going. I would definitely t..."
"Achilles is super professional, patient and friendly. Highly recommended."