Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Malcolm Y
The head engineer of CloudzVille Studios [Shawn Soundz] has Engineered sessions for artists like G-S tha DreaM, Jeff Skigh, Figga Da Kid, and BayBro as well as producing music for very talented independent artists.
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I am a Producer of about 15 years on my own. I used be part of a rap group were I also contributed as a Producer. Most of my talents are taken up by my projects; creating tracks and working on my own compilations. My main aim is to get recognised first as a producer and get myself out and aroun d the industry circuit.
Hello friends! My name is Ximone, based in NY, USA, specializing in helping your ideas become reality. I love collaborating with creators to produce great music for the masses. Check out my work - www.OfficialXIMONE.com
Make sure your music reaches a Sound Destination.
With a keen ear for detail and a passion for enhancing every aspect of your mix, I will bring your musical vision to life. Looking for a professional mixing engineer with over 10 years of experience? Look no further! Let's create a polished, professional sound that showcases your talent - contact me today!
We specialize in music production for original soundtracks, from Pre-production, production to post production of an original score, from live strings recording to a small or electronic ensemble.
Hi, I'm Camden :) I've worked in music for about 10 years. Most of my time has been split between my own projects (Glen Echo, Plushy, Palm Spiral) and working as a Tour FOH. During my off-season, I have no desire to do anything but mix/write/record. All work will be considered, with preference given to slowcore/psych/lofi/dreampop artists.
I'm specialized in film music composition. I've graduated from the National Conservatory as a music composer, and making music for films has been my lifelong passion.
I am a singer and songwriter, but my journey here is mainly songwriting. I am versatile songwriter who's able to write Pop, R&B, Afrobeats, and Hip Hop Choruses. You can hit me up for more information. Let's get to work!!!
Recent Successes
"I worked with Simone on a synthwave track, and the result went well beyond my expectations. The mixing was great and it was done taking care of the smallest details. He was attentive to my requests and available for e..."
"George is a total professional and an absolute delight as a person. His talent speaks for itself, but his work ethic amplifies what God has blessed him with in terms of his voice and musical acumen. He worked on an ex..."
"Always love working with Varun. Always satisfied with the end result. Couldn't recommend him more. Thanks man!"
"smooth melodies + on point lyrics + great delivery"
"Chase did another stellar job on what I'm told by others, is a rhythm monster tune. His ability to play over the bar with super imposed phrases, and keep the melody fun and interesting are reasons why I keep coming b..."
"Another Amazing experience working with Ziv! Ziv provided me a high quality track when I needed it, under big pressure. Highly recommended! Looking forward to next time! Many thanks Ziv!"
"Petey was incredible to work with. Not only did he nail the mix/master for our latest single, he was easy to work with and got the job done in a timely manner! Cannot wait to work with him again! "
"Working with Mariami was everything I needed! She was patient and consistent in her delivery! Vocals and lyrics to boot! I'm more than satisfied with the results of our collaboration and I will definitely be working w..."