Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marc-Lee Meining
Radio ready Mixing, Mastering and Production of modern Pop Music
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...where ideas become music
Writers block have your project stumped? I'm here to help.
I'm a unique inspirational universal Singer-songwriter. My accomplishments are Spotify original artist Pop guy, Kampu, therealkampu and Country Singer Lavell Williams.
I meticulously craft every stage of production from composition and arrangements to pitch and time correction to get the best results possible, tailored to what each song needs. If you are looking to team up with an experienced professional to tastefully enhance your music, contact me and I'll be happy to help you!
Mixing & Mastering , Production
Cellist for H.E.R, Us The Duo, Dj Deorro, Victory Boyd, and more. I have been a session cellist for almost a decade. I have built my own home studio so I do most of my recording work remotely now. Looking forward to adding some emotion to your songs!
A + Abstract and commercial lyricist, topliner who you can challenge to create an amazing song in 5 mins from any including your own chosen beat and theme to tell a story with. In fact I can do magic with words since they as good as are. I can rap well and have 2 profiles on Rapfame, robcarr and robmac, I just have not enough confidence with voice.
I'm a multi-instrumentalist with experience in guitar, bass, vocals, and banjo. Classically trained vocalist and experienced live musician. Currently earning a bachelor's degree in music.
Recent Successes
"Great experience and great product!!! Not only was Tony was very professional, he was engaged in the process , doing an outstanding job of communicating and listening to me as his client; Then delivered results with..."
"Marcello is talented beyond most measures of the word. He put up with me and my granular changes, was positive and professional and delivered an amazing song in record time. I HIGHLY recommend him and he and I will st..."
"Great communication and quick turn around! Also took initiative and fleshed out my rough idea!"
"Superb!!! Work with him is guarantee of success. Thanks a lot for your great job!! "
"What an experience! This incredibly powerful voice leaves me speechless. Super fast turnaround and brilliant tracks. And extremely nice communication. In one word: absolute professional (OK - two words :) I highly rec..."
"Wow Jessy it truly something else!. Her tone, vision and perfect pitch make it so wonderful to work with her. What the world needs now is definitely a lot more Jessy! Incredible experience, Thanks!"
"Extremely impressed with Rebecca's writing and singing ability! If you're looking for a professional vocalist, look no further!"
"Quick and receptive"
"TJ is by far the most consistently high quality mixer I've worked with. His patience is unrivalled & listening skills are truly appreciated. Fast turnarounds too. Thanks again for an awesome job!! "