Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Massiph
Versatile producer and session musician with experience to give your tracks that final secret sauce!
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Helping artists to bring their music to life and sonically be their absolute best. Mixing engineer with 10+ years experience working in the industry specialising in mixing, vocal production, hip hop and electronic music.
My SOUND My WAY Do not believe in to follow other artist type music , create your own type and together we will .
I can just about create anything style of music. producing is like a chef if you can cook u should be able to cook anything,and that's how i view me as a producer...
Im a producer, audio engineer, songwriter and multi instrumentalist. At the age of 16 I finished my bachelor as a producer and sound engineer, after that I spent some time in studio's in Europe, did live sound for concerts and festivals and had the chance to spend some time at Hans Zimmer's studio complex.
I create catchy vocal melodies and lyrics to engage listeners. I am a Songwriter, Artist & Entertainer who has worked & performed with ASAP Mob, Chris Brown, Evo Invasion, Tyga, Eric Bellinger etc.
Acoustic, Folk, Indie, Rock, full production backing tracks, co-writing & complete
Dolby Atmos Professional Certified, If you are looking to transfer all your music in Dolby format at an affordable price, Fabián Ramos is your option. He has worked with artists from labels such as Universal Music Group Argentina and Sony Music Perú. He has participated in two top #1 Latin songs on radio stations in Colombia, his native country.
Trap Beats, Rap Beats, Drill Beats, Techno Beats Music Producer and Beatmaker
Recent Successes
"Nacor is a skilled mix and mastering engineer which would bring you at the next level with your track. He listens to your needs and provide you what you need. Always a good communication, always a lot of infos/advices..."
"Rob is THE MAN! His mixes are always top notch and he gives your project the attention it deserves. "
"Working with Emma was an absolute pleasure from the start. I was looking for a vocalist who could sing those big diva style vocals for a new Dance track i'm working on. I sent her a rough demo of how the vocals should..."
"I needed a last minute mix asap. Worked with Jeff before so I knew it would a top notch mix . He fixed it in 2 days. Great guy to work with."
"Scott is incredibly easy to work with. He's communicative and provides multiple takes with different approaches and ideas. I've used him several times for piano/organ tracks and I know I'll use him again in the future."
"Another great brass arrangement from Creative Horn Recordings! They always delivers top quality work that compliments the song while also providing those moments of surprise one hopes for in any collaboration. Their c..."
"I'm running out of superlatives! Incredible comes to mind...I will go with that one! LOL! She is super cool, very kind and her talents will make any project much much better. She is always one take vocals for me, I'..."
"For me, Rudiger is the best vocalist I have worked with or heard. A total professional, easy to work with and always exceeds expectations. Beautiful vocals with beautiful and emotional phrasing. I can't recommend Rudi..."
"Another fantastic track from Ben. Thank you!"