Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mata Kiri
Over 15 years of experience in recording bands and mixing accoustic material. I approach a mix from the emotional side, trying to feel the song and its message and then using my recording and mixing skills and the toolset to make the most emotional impact possible. This makes it easy for me to see what the song needs.
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Hello! I'm Tario a music producer, keyboardist, mixing and mastering engineer.
Recording Engineer and Editor for Through The Roots "Take You There" Album (Top 3 Reggae Albums iTunes), Multi-instrumentalist (Guitar on Playfight's "Mutt" Album, 2014 Temecula Valley International Film Festival’s Audience Choice Award winning band, bass and drums on Kyle Castellani's solo debut and sophmore records, "Pseudoromance", "Lemonade").
Singer - Male
Hey, I'm Sam and I'm a professional freelance music producer, specialising in remote mixing and mastering. I have produced for various upcoming artists including singer-songwriter Joe Mylward, as well as for my own material under my artist name 'Sam's Scrapbook'. I also own many of the most high end mixing/mastering tools, within my home studio.
This is ZOE JOSH a professional content developer who has 5 years of experiences.
If you need Acoustic and Electric guitars recorded, I can provide! If you need male vocals and a topline, I'm your guy! I hope to work together soon!
Transform your raw Audio into polished masterpieces, ensuring your sound achieves its full potential.
Your song is great, I will make it better.
Recent Successes
"It's unlikely that you are as talented as Breana. Book her, pay her and feel lucky people. "
"Great experience!! Ryan always delivers the quality I am looking for "
"Good work and timely delivery. Aaron walked me through the initial export and gave suggestions to make the track truly shine. Would work with him again for sure."
"Thony has a great instinct for creating an engaging and exciting track. He's also patient with making changes and getting things right, no matter how small. Highly recommend!"
"working with Hollie for the first time had its challenges which she executed in fine style with total confidence which I love and admire her work ethics for real. Looking forward to the next project with this amazing ..."
"How is this guy not selling out stadiums? ALWAYS captures the spirit and mood of the song, fearless, bright and a terrific feel for music "
"This track came out really magical. Like a dream. I love how Zeitstill mastered my mix. The heart of a teenager in love, as the track is called, now feels like real heartbreak. It hurts, but it lives, and it shines a..."
"Very lucky to find this genius girl on this platform :D Great job ViV! Beautiful work of art...! ❤️ "
"Another great project with Steve who lays down authentic, beautiful sounding Hammond B-3 tracks. He uses an actual Hammond and it makes all the difference. Polished, professional and wanting to make your song sound g..."