Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Menstruação Anárquica

Mixing heavy music! - Giselle Bertaggia

Mixing engineer specialist in metal, punk, hardcore and subgenres. Always focusing on the customer.

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- MIXING & MASTERING - - Claudio Rodriguez

Professional mixing engineer located in Switzerland. Amazing mixes make amazing songs. Having mixed, mastered & produced music for artists from all over the globe, I bring to you my decade long experience in the world of Mixing and producing music.

Audio Engineer/Music Producer - LyricSinMusic

I am currently a student at Full Sail University, and I am going for Music Production. I am getting better everyday at mixing and mastering and studio assistant work. I mix everyday that is the only way to get better. If you want a track or tracks mixed or mastered that are studio quality and cheap hire me.

Mixing and mastering  - DJ oreo

I'm a recent mediatech grad looking to get myself into the glorious world of mixing and mastering. I've enjoyed it since I started it in when I was 16 and I want to continue it eagerly.

Remote Mixing and Mastering  - dvlmclean

I can make your project sound amazing.

Mixing & Mastering - Katelyn Wynne

World-class mixing and production ideas and suggestions to make your writing/creative work shine. If you aren't sure if the production is quite done, or the timing and tuning need tightening. That's where I can help, honest feedback and advice, additional production tricks and a perfect mix to bring it all together to make it tick.

Sing - Latoya Wright

Soprano/ Alto

Vocalist, Songwriter, Mixer - Leon Gojira

Meet Leon Gojira, the multi-talented pop innovator whose captivating melodies, introspective lyrics, and polished production are reshaping the landscape of modern music.


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