Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ming and FS
Grammy Nominated record producer, remixer, songwriter, and DJ.
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I listen, I try to turn the good parts up and the bad parts down, making the project sound as close as possible to what it needs.
Creating an original desirable sound that meshes with the style of each individual song. I actively travel and perform on TV. I can record tracks for sessions or also travel as a fill-in musician.
Senior A&R & Catalog Specialist at Marmoset Music. Sync License Placements: EA Sports, Adidas, Uber, Nike, Puma, Airbnb, Mailchimp, Toyota, & more.
Soul, Jazz Singer from Buenos Aires.
Hi, I'm a 23 y/o musician, composer and producer. I've got plenty of experience recording, editing and producing albums. I've also been playing the drums since I was 5, and have recorded many songs in the past few years - not only for my band, but for many artists internationally.
I am a songwriter and music producer from Albania.
**Trice Be Phantom** is a world-class vocalist, musician, and educator whose artistic range embodies the versatility and spirit of his character. Blending influences from African and Caribbean folk traditions, indigenous cultural medicine music, and an eclectic mix of genres
Recent Successes
"There is a reason why Camilo has 2 Latin Grammy awards under his belt...That being said he is also 100% professional and 100% honest which in itself is a rarity these days. Definitely one of the best!!"
"Another sterling performance from Kristal!"
"I'm very satisfied with the all work of Sefi. Great communication, good and precision work on my songs. Sefi can very good adapt and understand the musical and artistic direction of the project. It's all good ! top"
"Very Creative, with such character and tone in his voice! Highly Recommend!"
"Hey Rita, it was really great to work with you again. You have a fabulos voice, great musical knowlege (second voices...) and it's just really nicce to work with you. I can highly recommend you ;-)"
"Santiago is a very insightful and professional musician and engineer. You can’t go wrong working with him. "
"To start, Alaina is extremely talented, and the quality of both lyrical substance and vocal production exceeded expectations that were already high. She was patient and cared a lot about the project, a luxury I haven'..."
"Sean is a guaranteed professional, his voice is so unique yet versatile and he is wicked with harmonies. I would highly recommend him as he's a brilliant singer, as well as a warm, kind, and collaborative guy :)"
"The best there is! Always a pleasure working with Andres. His attention to detail is unmatched. Andres is the only Mastering engineer needed for any project. "