Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mundialista Crew
Currently there are so many super talented artists that it is very difficult to stand out among so much competition. That's why I'm always trying to make an original and different sound. I never settle, I always go for more, I am always attentive to details, that is my formula to achieve great success.
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Hi, first of all i would like to congratulate you for following your dream on creating music and being a musician, my goal is to make your music sound as good as your imagination tells you, I'm a professional audio engineer taught by the greatest engineers over at SAE NEW YORK and I'm at your service for whatever purpose you might need me cheers!
Hi there! If you are in need of professional quality vocals on your recording project, I'm here to fulfill your desire to have them done right!!! As an indie recording artist, I have done hundreds of demos and currently have 2 singles in the Top 100. I have over 20 years of vocal experience, and have twice played the"White House ".
Hi, I'm Jane! I'm a professional violinist, have a Bachelor's Degree in Music and Violin Performance, as well as I have extensive experience in session playing.
This is my song's link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dAySYDy-t4 or www.deezer.com/track/393329232. You can judge by this song, if you feel its worth it then we can work together.
Im really nice to everyone!
Solving problems you didn't know you had in ways you don't understand.
I have produced professionally for 6 years. I have worked with and been mentored by the producing and writing teams of Adele, Coldplay, The Weeknd, Maroon 5, and other top artists. I was signed as an Artist in the UK for two years to HRR Management (affiliates include Drake), and then A&R WW (affiliates include Adele) in the LA for one year.
Get the best Radio song. I specialised on pop, hip hop-rap and something like this.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure to work with Dave! Especially orhestral percussions f.ex timpani made an huge impression for me. Dave also ensured that I´m happy with the final result as a buyer. Quick turnarounds and easy communic..."
"Manuel did an amazing job playing the cello from sheet music I composed for an indie track. It sounded fantastic and I'm really happy with the quality of the playing and the recording. Also incredibly quick turnaround..."
"This time a separate job for mixing and mastering: brilliant result & excellent advice. As always when working with Etienne :)"
"I’d read other reviews of Sefi from other Soundbetter users and was hopeful and excited. He exceeded my expectations and took my songs to the level I’d hours. I bought in my home recordings, not always clearly marked,..."
"Carlos is an expert at what he does! Every song he has mastered for me has come back on another level. He knows how to bring out depth, space, energy. Also he's exceptionally quick, professional, and courteous. A+..."
"Did not disappoint. He hooked my song up...."
"Andres is the man! I strongly advise you to choose him for Mastering!!!"
"Elliot was very professional and prompt throughout the whole process. He was also very receptive to my input as well as patient during revisions. The end result was great, would definitely work with him again!"
"The absolute best there is. A genius, fast, kind, and understands what you're going for. Really elevated the song. He's the artist you want mastering your tracks -- will be sending all of my masters to Elliot. "