Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nahart
I transform your tracks into professional studio-quality sonic masterpieces, all with just one click! Experience a unique and distinct sound that will make your music stand out, right from the comfort of your home.
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Hi! my name is Dennis, I play drums , compose music and mix somebodies music.
I am a very experienced studio and live engineer, looking to help artists with mixing tracks and performing at concerts! I have a home studio with an isolation booth.
Songwriter and creative guitarist from San Nicolás, Argentina, main styles Rock, Pop, Alternative, PunkPop, Nu Metal
I've had created/innovated some bass technics in the middle 80' such as the Double Thumb. Also, I've performed around the world with some of the best Brazilian's artists. Currently, I'm working with music production, creating beats, recording, mixing and mastering for the biggest artists from Brazil.
I CAN: - Replace samples in hip hop records with original instruments -Add guitars, bass, keys, synths to your songs -Write and co-write to help the vocalist find the perfect pocket in a song -Make custom beats based on emotion, a reference track, lyrics, acapellas in all genres -Need a booming 808 that cuts through the mix ? I got you
If you need someone that's willing to transform your music with you, then I'm your go-to girl. I provide lead vocals, backup vocals ( that include all three parts in a harmony) at whatever pitch you'd want me to sing. My voice Is pretty much versatile as well. It is the sweetest you'll ever hear.
I've been mixing for nearly 20 years, have over 15 years in post-production sound, and have mixed hundreds of songs in Dolby Atmos for major record labels
More than a decade of expertise in rock and metal music production, mixing, and mastering. I excel in capturing raw power and emotion, delivering polished tracks using the tools at my disposal. Let's create genre-defining music that leaves a lasting impact!
Recent Successes
"Anybody looking for a master keyboard player then look no further!!!! Marco is one of the best in the industry !!!!........ Marco has been working with me on my new album and all i can say is "FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."
"Neil delivered a great sounding solo in just one or two days. Work was done professionally and exactly as promised. Thanks man, hope we get to work together again!"
"Fantastic producer! Very easy to work with and responsive! "
"As always, my song was returned to me with superior quality and was exactly what I was looking for. Always a pleasure working with Nick"
"Reed did a great job! He hit my deadline and the piano part sounds incredible. Definitely want to hire him again."
"Was an absolute pleasure working with Brendan. Will be doing so again. "
"Maryn is a superb collaborator. Respectful, patient, and talented. When we work on projects there is a natural flow and rhythm that allows possibilities but not major tangents. That’s why we end up with a magical tune;)"
"It's quite an honor to work with someone so passionate and skilled with attention to detail as Aluro. He helped me bring to life a very personal song and I couldn't be more happy with the final execution. Always excee..."
"A talent , a professional, and a complete joy to collaborate with"