Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nameless Disciple
I will make your music sound the way you hear it in your head for a price you can afford! I have been mixing and mastering for years and look forward to using all I have learned and the gear I have acquired towards giving you the best version of your music possible. Hit me up using the contact button above with any questions you may have.
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Severn Valley Studios are two, purpose-built recording studios, situated in the stunning, rural beauty of Elgar's Worcestershire.
Indie-Pop, Pop-Rock, Metalcore... These are the genres I'm passionate about! With 10 years of production experience and my guitar expertise I will make your music shine!
One Heck of a Producer!
SMOOTH, BIG, and BOLD! Specialized professional in music production services!
Hello every! I am a producer / composer / artist of electronic music (Minimal, techno, trance) since 2010. I love work on different genre like : Soundtracks, indie, ambient and post rock music. Currently I am working on my own project Rome in Reverse and for my label Telavivi records. Feel free to contact me!
Mixing Engineer/Composer/Session Singer with over 15 years of experience. Have produced over 300 tracks in various styles.
Elevate your music to the next level! I will perform, compose or arrange music for your track/project. Piano, strings and any other orchestral instrument. High quality sounds using virtual studio technology recorded by the BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Young, artistic and soulful singer and songwriter.
Recent Successes
"Another job well done!"
"It was so nice to work with you !"
"Alexandru is great to work with and has a proffesional attitude and patience when you need a lot done to your track. The mixing really adds some value to the sound."
"Fate's Frontier is continually blessed with Chris' vocals! "
"Eyal came through again with another great performance and production! Hi-hat work is outstanding and the overall groove is tight. I will definitely be using Eyal again."
"Jeff is a special talent with various layers of creativity. He brought my project to life, and in a unique way. Great communication with regular check-ins along the way. A songwriter could not do better than workin..."
"Excellent to work with Ben once again. He's always so supportive and collaborative and has a speedy turnaround on mixing/mastering tracks. He has a great ear for balancing a song with many tracks and finds ways to mak..."
"He's always the best! Even when the scope and timeline of the project changes, his skill, focus, and collaboration are still at the highest possible level. "
"Incredibly talented! Honey delivered on the 1st take and took the track to the next level!"
"Always a pleasure to work with. Really cares about the direction you want to take your song in. I would highly recommend. "