Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ontario (Album) Press Kits: ICONS - Progressive Hardcore. London

 - Eyeopener Records - Matt Dyer

Hey My Name is Matt Dyer, I am the owner and operator of Eyeopener Records. I have been playing Guitar and Bass in bands since i was 16 years old and have a Diploma from Fanshawe College in Music Industry Arts. Recording, Mixing and Mastering are my main passions but I also have a background in Producing and Live Sound.

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 - The Grainery Studio

Hi, my name is Cody Ratley and I've been recording bands out of Milwaukee for about 5 years now. I mostly work with metal bands (djent, death metal, metalcore) and pop punk bands but I love tracking and mixing anything. I've been a drummer for 15 years and I know how to get killer drum sounds.

Singer/Songwriter/Topliner - Rodnae Bell

I am Multi-Platinum songwriter, with over 14 years of experience in the music business.

Music Producer,Mixing&Masterin - Vega

This is my first time on the market so I am not able to give myself an evaluation. For this reason I invite you to listen yourself !

Producer, Composer, Studio - Stephen Cole

Producer and Composer based in a stunning neo-classical church in the UK. Stephen has over 20 years of international experience as the founder of multi-genre veterans a.P.A.t.T.. Stephen receives critical acclaim from the likes of The Wire (shortlisted for “Best Avant-Rock”), Pitchfork, The Quietus and constant airplay on the BBC.

Mastering Studio & Vinyl Cuts - Optimum Mastering

Optimum Mastering is a custom designed music post-production studio in the dockside city of Bristol. Since opening in 2004, we have established a worldwide reputation for personal service and attention to detail. Our engineers have half a century’s worth of experience turning good music into great records.

Vocalist/Music Producer - Colin Porter

'Jack of all trades', as they say. I sing, I produce, I compose - all at your service! My music shows off a unique eclecticism. My master's degree is in classical singing, but I have had my eager fingers on the keyboards and faders since age 12. Tend to concentrate in R&B and contemporary jazz as a vocalist...Production-wise, give me anything!

Mixing Engineer - Pablo Garcia Cachu


Mixing Engineer | Atmos | Mastering | Recording Engineer Let's do this!

Session Heavy metal singer - Tasos Lazaris

I will record powerful vocals for your Heavy metal and Hard rock songs.

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