Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ouveure
Budget Mastering. My mastered tracks featured on Spotify Editorial Playlists, and has generated over 650K streams so far across Spotify, Apple, Soundcloud, Pandora, Youtube, and all platforms.
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I have been an Electronic music producer and Audio Engineer. Have mixed 2 full length albums and have produced around 15 Eps. I am a Sound designer as well and have worked on 3 films and one animation movie. Being an electronic music person, my mixing skills have improved a lot as i can treat the synths and drums very tight.
I'm a vocalist, songwriter, vocal arranger and engineer who specializes in R&B and Pop genres.
Multi-Platinum, Grammy Nominated, International Award Winning Mastering. Stereo & Dolby Atmos
Wanna hear something new? Looking for something that's not a cliche?
I will record beautiful saxophone melodies for you! Soprano Sax Alto Sax Tenor Sax Clarinet Ready to take your music to the next level?? You've come to the right place!
HEY, IM DAVID (ALSO KNOWN AS VADAN). I WANT TO PERSONALLY WELCOME YOU. I started out as a curious kid fascinated by music and sound. Eventually I learned how to play the Piano and write songs at the young age of 12. Once I got to a point where some people were starting to resonate with my music, I knew I needed to find a way to gain more exposure
Be someone with a disruptive, different vision, with new paradigms that leave your song as a legacy. I am Dante Castelli - Stress Brain a Music Producer, Artist, Recording, Mixing and Mastering Engineer, Composer, SD and instrumentalist, with all my skills I will be able to help you with all the phases of your project to take it to the top.
I write banger country songs
Recent Successes
"Rob's become my go-to mix engineer. This latest project was my favourite work of his to date - I was absolutely blown away with the result! I've found that he's especially excellent at absorbing feedback between revis..."
"Dan is super pro and super skilled, when you add that to being super friendly and super easy to work with you've got the magic sauce just waiting to take your project across the finish line. Dan has an ear to get y..."
"We were looking for a mix engineer for working on our 4-track EP and finding the right sound for our songs. We appreciated the works of Chris and when we started to work with him on the first song we understanded the ..."
"Jacek has once again produced an amazing mix. His ability to shape the tone and clarity is always above my expectations. I can't speak highly enough of Jacek in his professionalism, talent, and customer service skills..."
"Joe can sing and write extremely dramatically appropriate lyrics without having any sort of nerdy theater vibe. If you want to give your songs three dimension then I strongly recommend his contributions. John"
"Pablo is quick, professional and extremely experienced in his craft! I had such a great time working with him. I can not wait to work on my next project with Pablo!"
"Super fast and high quality delivery. One of the best experiences I have had on soundbetter so far. "
"Andrei has great talent in producing, mixing, and mastering! He’s really passionate, patient, and quick. It was such a grateful time to work with him once again. "