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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pablo Rouss
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I am all about creativity. You can't put me in a box. Let's make this art. Build something great. Its all about energy and being yourself.
Hey! I started working professionally in 2009 as a studio audio engineer and an audio mixer. Currently working with various artists as a freelance producer. Giving their musical ideas a new shape and vision which is composing or altering musical parts as well as mixing and mastering. Playing bass in a local cover band.
Over 3.2 Million monthly listeners on Spotify. 1.3+ billion streams across the platforms. I've worked with the top of the industry with artists such as Snoop Dogg and Soulja Boy.
Engineer at Bulls Recordz Studio, in La Spezia, Italy, where i manage both recording and mixing.
I am a very experienced studio and live engineer, looking to help artists with mixing tracks and performing at concerts! I have a home studio with an isolation booth.
Worked on several productions in different fields of audio with numerous international artiste Jamaica: Sizzla, Luciano, Fanta Mojah, Jah Bouks, Turbulence, Teacha Dee, Unstoppable Fyah Germany: Afrob, Fero47, Avo, Sugar MMFK, Noir40, Kollegah, Eno, Dardan, Ind1go, DeFacto United Kingdom: Macka B, General Levy Dom. Rep: Russov
Wedding/party band bassist. Tracked for various artists and genres on their personal projects.
Hello! I'm mainly a vocalist, I did many jobs for huge labels such as LithuaniaHQ under the artist name "PANE" and have generated millions of plays over the years, But I'm also a Producer & Mix engineer.
Recent Successes
"Mr Goldstein has an amazing gift, he knows how to help you to create the ideal atmosphere for a song, obviously, his classical training allows him to see beyond where most of us can not. It is a pleasure to work w..."
"Marshall sent back great work. He did an excellent job tuning the vocals while maintaining a natural track. I would work with him again. "
"Jessie and her producer Rob created the BEST foot tapping, head bobbing, and shoulder moving melody for me. I am thrilled with results of this project. I could not be happier. I can't wait to place this music online..."
"Simon recently completed the mixing of a solo piano track for my CD that is being released next year, and I am extremely happy with the results. His high level of expertise has turned the raw recording into a track th..."
"David was great! Super easy to work with and results were incredible. Highly recommended!"
"amazing! great voice, great workflow! "
"Ziv did it awesome job again! Very talented guitar player who is flexible , easy to work with and has a lot of patience, fully understands what you are looking for and exceeds expectations everytime."
"Javi was fantastic yet again! His musical skills are right on point, perfect every time. Plus he's a wonderful person and responds quickly to messages, and he delivered his audio files in good time before the deadline..."
"Winnie is a gem; she is above reproach and I cannot say enough good things about her. She has a keen ear for music and the work she produced for our theme song could not have turned out better. If your looking for a t..."
"JP is easy to work with and delivers great tracks fast. 10/10 recommend to anyone looking for solid guitar parts!"