Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pavlo Petrychenko - By The Wind
Composer, songwriter, pianist and singer who has written 18 pieces of music in the last 10 months alone, including soundtracks for short films, works for multi-instrumental ensembles, choirs, songs, and piano pieces.
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I'm audio engieneer I studied in SAE School Mixing and Mastering, I'm 31 years old.
Fierce but only few know it so far, so get in early so we can make something absolutely fantastic together! Collabs get 1+1 to equal 4
Multi-genre producer, mixing and mastering engineer based in London and Barcelona. My speciality is club sounds and afro vibes.
Producer, engineer and multi-instrumentalist with over 10 years of experience. Our productions have reached a total of over 1.4 million streams on spotify, releases on ,Sony,AVEX,ToysFactory.
When you take a drummer, keyboardist & acoustic guitarist with a degree in mass communications, that has acatalog of over 40 pop/r&b songs from club bops and pop singles, to conscious inspirational songs and sexy club ballads. This is what we call the definition of music entertainment for all, Austyn King.
Músico, productor y compositor de la Ciudad de Medellín especializado en ritmos urbanos afro-alternativos como el afrobeat, dancehall, fusión tropical entre otros.
Make your song happen
Specialist in all things groovy, hard hitting, warm, and expansive. As a producer for the artist Geordie Kieffer I've accrued over 30 million streams on Spotify and played for thousands of fans in the US and Canada (we love Canada).
Recent Successes
"Trey did an AMAZING job with my track! There was a lot of back and forth, and a lot of patience was needed as I could not record all the vox right away b/c of lockdown... But we got through to the other side and the r..."
"Lovely addition to my track. Excellent work and very professional. "
"Valentyne, is an amazing producer, and above all else, he is very patient with the type of work that your song may require. Very helpful, very accommodating, will be working together in the future. "
"Once again a great mix and mastering of our new song. He was very professional and understood what we wanted. I recommend Martin for any kind of project."
"Sean is a true pro, knows his stuff inside and out and very willing to share and make sure I understood what he was teaching. Thank you!"
"Eliot did such a great job mastering my single—it sounds amazing! He’s cool to work with and turned the project around quickly and professionally. Can’t wait to work with him on the rest of the EP🤘"
"First time that I worked with Sara, a very good decision to work with her as she's great! Voice is amazing and the turn around was exactly on time even tho she was sick half way through the project. Would recommend 10..."
"It is a real pleasure to work with Anthony, very professional, the communication on the advancements is very precise and pleasant at the same time. The rendering of the Mixes is very clean, clear, precise, the Voices ..."
"It was really nice to work with Tomás. The end result was better than expected, with a high quality production, and an excellent musicianship. Tomás was able to capture the required feeling for the song, and cello in..."