Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with phillip ariaz
Composer from the city of Medellín based in Miami, creator of sounds, topline melodies that set commercial trends in his projects, worked on projects with relevant and local artists and I assume that each interpretation is a sure success
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I have yet to have any big name credits for any of my work. However I am in high demand as an audio engineer from several cities as well as my own. At the end of the day as long as the music is great and the chemistry between all who is involved works together, we should all be satisfied. :)
I'm a mix engineer with three years experience specialising in indie pop/indie rock.
With 20 years of sharpened professional experience composing, mixing, and mastering cutting-edge tracks for the likes of BMW, Sony, Warner Bros & Movie Trailers such as RAMBO and INGLORIOUS BASTARDS to name a few -- I bring a new Creative outlook as producer enhanced with sharpened engineering skills which bring your songs life and to standout.
Tennessee Hip Hop Artist proving the bull shxt in live can be fertilizer that helps u grow
Hi,I'm a Sound Engineer and Producer with a degree in music production (Pearson BTEC Level 6) and over 5 years of experience. Do you need a Mix or a Master? contact me!
I specialize in mixing and mastering metal! As well as dialing in high gain guitar tones.
I help producers and composers create music for commercials. I help guide artists creative direction and build sounds, melodies and overall aesthetics. I've composed and licensed original music featured on TV and online for major worldwide brands.
I'm a Billboard #1, BMI award winning lyricist. I've been writing songs for 10+ years. I have experiences in Pop, CCM, EDM, Singer-songwriter, TV-Film, and even (occasionally) Country. I love telling stories, creating hooks, and making songs memorable and singable.
Recent Successes
"Matt is a class act and a joy to collaborate with! I'm a repeat client! Work with him! Thanks Matt"
"Ziv is very easy to work with and got the sound I wanted for a guitar track, he also played it very well and is clearly a very skilled guitarist as well as a sound bloke! also, his amp sounds very nice! I will work wi..."
"Super talented in his songwriting, was perfectly comfortable with my crazy ideas and it came out pretty awesome. Highly recommended"
"Another fantastic experience working with Carson! He was able to take my demo to a whole other level. Whether it's adding guitar, keys, synths or an overall lift in the production... Carson can do it. It's such ..."
"Consummate professional and lovely person. I've found my violinist in Nikos and have no intention of even so much as looking for anyone else. In working with him we established trust and clear communication that's..."
"Jordan is excellent when it comes down to nailing an idea down! It's incredible how organized he is. Also, I love the workflow he is suggesting and using. He is not less involved in the tracks as the producer itself..."
"Chris played upright bass on a song and really did an amazing job. He is also very kind and professional/fast. Looking forward to the next time. "