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Piketon Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Composition, Writing, Remixing, Mixing & Mastering.
Hello everybody! My name is Alex, and I am a composer of songs, soundtracks, cinematic music. I am a professional pianist who has accumulated vast knowledge in the field of music theory, arrangement, instrumentation, improvisation, concert and theater work. Here you will see examples of my work. I invite to cooperation!
Trying to get my name out there and some more experience, will work at a discount and deliver quality product
Owner of Generation Studio, Producer, Mix and Mastering Engineer. Based only a short distance outside of London bring together that analog sound with modern music production to bring your songs to life!
I'm new to client based work and will offer highly competitive rates in order to build a portfolio of clients and reviews. I guarantee complete satisfaction and promise to deliver the utmost professional results
Feel the power of emotion, is exactly what your song lyrics will do! Impactful lyrics will immediately engage your audience in a powerful connected experience! They will immediately feel emotionally responsive and well-being empowered!
Jo is a seasoned performer, songwriter, vocal producer and arranger. She has opened up for many legendary stars like Mya, Marsha Ambrosias, and Lil Mo, just to name a few. Now she wants to work with you. Let Jo help you enhance your song so you can elevate your music.
Netflix series ost piano session (ranked #31 on Korean chart) / NYU music tech alumni / Sony Music Publishing
Recent Successes
"WES is very fast and accurate. He has a versatile voice and flow and a huge creativity. Simply a TALENT."
"Chris is tenacious, committed and patient. He hears what a track needs, serves the song and drives a project to successful completion. He is also a complete enthusiast which helps to keep a project going through any..."
"Joe is a very creative music producer, I have done a few songs with him and each time I am surprised by how good they come out! His taste in music is superb and it shows in his production!"
"Davide was great - responsive to the brief, great first draft and edits, and a very well polished final product. He is very talented."
"Very happy with Aaron's work. He helped create clarity for the vocals while still keeping all the instrument layers very present."
"Working with Emanuel has been really amazing, he knows how to meet your requirements!"
"Bram is the Master in this Game ! Always a pleasure to work with him !"
"if you need steel this is your guy!"