Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Raphid
Clear and Crispy mixes! Fast revisions/deliveries.
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When the client is happy with a mix, time taken is not the issue.
Experienced composer, musician and producer for Honda, BMG PM and many more! I write original, emotional, catchy and often quirky music. I also provide professional, broadcast-ready mixes and audio. Believing firmly in the power of analogue hardware to give modern music productions an edge, I aim to use as much as possible on all projects.
I am a specialist in music production, song writing, lyrics writing, and singing.
Committed, creative and VERSATILE. As a singer of many voices, each song I record is a personal experience for me. I enjoy helping talented songwriters through the struggles of creating lyrics and melodies, then providing a passionate voice to polish the songs to perfection.
Quality mixing and mastering with analog outboard gear, and mix down on an analog console. I have experience with rock, metal, pop, jazz, RnB, hip hop, and more.
Multi genre music producer making HIGH QUALITY BEATS & INSTRUMENTALS in Genres such as: Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Afrobeats & Reggaeton. I pride myself in being able to create sounds in various genres depending on the specs required. I can build and create songs from scratch and give full arrangements that can be added to or modified.
Guitar Artist
Recent Successes
"The masters Andres presented us with were perfect right out of the gate. Incredible sound. He offered great notes on one of the songs that really made it smoother before mastering. I appreciate the detail he gives to ..."
"It has been another great collaboration with David on my Christmas cover song. He is immensely talented and blows me away everytime we work together. He’s always accommodating to tweaks to the final amazing product! I..."
"I was blown away by all aspects of this incredible service!...professional and timely communication, taste and feel of parts, quality of wav files, correct interpretation on where I was coming from. I am fairly partic..."
"Elliot brought exactly what I needed to my project! He was very quick and efficient and went the extra mile when it came to trouble shooting some issues that came up in the mix. Definitely the right guy for the job."
"Third project with Emanuel, a true pro and fantastic player. He played violin also on this track which helped add another dimension to the finished track. Look forward to working with him again soon, my go to cello pl..."
"Whynot is a super friendly guy and delivered a perfect and very melodic bassline to our song. Just what it needed! We will be happy to be working with him again on a few other songs. Whynot is highly recommended!"
"Maurice is a pleasure to work with. He’s prompt, provides good feedback when necessary and provides high quality mastering. Thank you Maurice. "