Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rodrigo Vidal
I'm cellist since 20 years, was Orchester conductor in Germany and have experience in concerts in Asia, Europe and Latinamerica.
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More providers:
Audio recording and music production
Production, mixing and mastering services worldwide via Internet. Full-time composer / music producer since 1989. I have writen music for symphony orchestra, theatre, TV and film and different genres of pop and rock music. I am a very down to earth person and my response time is fast. I will make sure that you are satisfied with final product.
Creative, competitive and great sounding mixes.
Do you have a great idea for a song but can't quite get the right meaning to come across?Do you have a song you've written, that needs some revisions to get that sparkle that only a top hit can have? Do you need a song from scratch, a jingle, or lyrics to an epic beat? This can be done by me. Need something I didn't mention? Done. True.
Music Producer and Piano Player with more than 7 years experience in music production and more than 12 years experience in playing piano!
The right melody, the right color for your song
We produce, create and record high quality productions.
I have a passion for writing vibrant, thematic scores for film, television, commercials, and more. I have worked for many years to develop a diverse skillset, from lush string writing to catchy, crisp music production. My orchestral music has been performed all over the world, from Boston to Bulgaria. Find my more produced music on Spotify.
Recent Successes
"Shaley is amazing. She nailed what I needed on the very first try, and was quick to make minor requested adjustments. Looking forward to working with her again."
"Perfect as usal! go to guy everytime for perfect final professional results. Hes the main mannn."
"Looking for that Radio Ready sound, Stereo is your man. He never fails to amaze me. Get's that flawless mix to make your work Pop. Have now done 6 songs with him and will be back for more. Thanks again Stereo!"
"Pablo is a pure genius! I just love working with him. Nothing is ever a problem, he knows exactly what a track requires. Until next time Sir Jazzy "
"This is my second album mixed by Max and I couldn't be happier with the result. The music I make could be considered non-traditional, but thankfully he is able to understand the core idea and make the songs the best t..."
"Andrés striked again. Very happy to know him in my team as he's a true pro (It's already the fourth track i made with him :-))"
"Sara is one incredible person to work with! I'm so excited to release this project with her great voice! I've been dying to work with her due to her work with Mike Williams and Justin Mylo's 'Face Up To The Sun' recor..."