Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with roxy chiot
Agente Musical y Productor, trabajo formato 360° he trabajado con más de 50 artistas en Chile y ahora me abro internacionalmente.
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I am a Mixing Engineer and Mastering professional that also plays drums, trombone, and some piano. I am also a singer/songwriter.
Hi, I'm ALAN.V, Dj / producer & beatmaker, I have been passionate about music since my youngest ages and DJ for 10 years! every year I go to many festivals where I have the chance to share posters with very great artists, Henri Pfr, Soprano, Black M, Marwa Loud, Kid Noize, Mark With A K ...
Music producer, composer, and sound engineer based in Brussels. I’ve worked with artists across genres, with over 10 million streams on projects for labels like Warner, Universal, and PIAS. I record at Durbuy Music Studios. Let’s connect and create something amazing together!
Extremely versatile pro vocalist. Legit in all styles from R&B to pop, rap to country. Has worked with Shawn Mendes, Lewis Capaldi, The Roots and more. Bilingual, also sings in Spanish.
Placements are second nature let work on get you to the next level.
Having sung at the world's most prestigious venues (The Metropolitan Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Opera Saint Louis and many more) Gillian's classically trained voice will astound you with it's power, beauty, range and flexibility. Working now as a crossover artist, Gillian can provide the vocals you need for your crossover, jazz, or classical hits.
I work with all budgets I mix master and edit songs and also produce beats as well I run a studio I record artist and make there art be heard as best as possible and I do all of the above
Am unique specializations with music
Recent Successes
"Got another track mixed/mastered from Dennis, and as expected he did an awesome job.. He' s very patient and easy to work with.. will surely work with him again in future"
"DEXY Company very professional, great communication!!! Very important!!happy with price!!! I'm sure they can work around anything, the Audio Quality top of the line..."
"Rwbel was very patient. And during several iterations solved the project within all my wishes. Quality is awesome. Fast delivery. Respect!"
"Francesca is a very dedicated and open minded musician. She is very cooperative and efficient as well. Furthermore, the drums she added is a true complement to the music because she played for the song! A pleasure t..."
"Very good art and quantity, we start a new job again"
"Jonas is very professional and knows his craft. He delivered to my expectations and facilitated all my requests. He is super friendly and easy going. A pleasure to work with. Highly recommended. "
"Pilar is a delight to work with. She's very communicative and will keep you apprised at all stages of the project. She'll take the time to listen and form a plan prior to recording so that she can capture the vibe tha..."
"Worked super fast and was concisely what I needed for this tune. 10/10 would recommend to others looking for fast quality work for a fair price "