Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with sacred earth
Haitch has dedicated his life to collecting and mastering the instruments that he composes and performs with today. Native American style Flutes, Yidaki (Didgeridoo), Balinese Suling Flutes, Trumpet, Mellophone, Piano, Japanese Taishogoto, Electric Indian Zither, Singing Bowls, Synthesizers and vocals from the heart.
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As the owner and founder of Trend Studios Dublin John is a veteran of the Irish Music Industry. Over the years he has worked as recording engineer or producer with many great artists ranging from Donovan Leonard Cohen Thin Lizzy and the Dubliners. John is a former director of the PRS London and a founding director of the Irish PRO IMRO.
I'm going to be frank. My greatest accomplishment was 3 likes on soundcloud. I'm not discouraged though. I'm really proud of the music I make.
Every song you've heard on the radio was professionally mixed, mastered, and marketed. Whether you have recorded at home or in a professional studio, a fresh pair of highly trained ears can offer the most insight and get the best results. BWH will devote itself to your music, getting a sound you love, and helping to create content to share it!
Attainment R.E.M.M.P.P. provides professional audio engineering and promotional services to help unique musicians attain their desired sound.
You Cannot Unhear Quality
I've written for many KOREAN artists such as EXO, Shinee, F(x), Shaun, Bibi, Hajin, Kidmilli and more. I've worked with a lot of well known artists around the world such as R3hab, YUNA, SETHINTHEKITCHEN and more. I have lived in multiple different countries giving me a wide spectrum of musicality.
I'm Arseniy, an audio engineer driven by a passion to bring an artist's project to life while honouring their distinctive sound. I firmly believe every artist has a unique identity and my goal is to ensure your music embodies just that.
Escribir letras es mi forma de dar voz a las historias que merecen ser contadas. Trabajo codo a codo con los artistas para asegurarme de que cada palabra refleje su visión y emoción. Ya sea para un hit enérgico o una balada que toque el corazón, mi objetivo es crear letras que conecten y se queden en la mente del oyente.
Recent Successes
"What can I say I use Steve all the time. If you need rock singing. He is the only one i have seen on these platforms that can really bring that crazy rock heat. Great voice, great attitude"
"I requested a guitar-only track, and Alex delivered. Twice. His "rough draft" (if you will), was nearly perfect. I casually mentioned that I liked it when he sort of Jimi Hendrix riffed on the chords, and with that, ..."
"Ringwood Road Productions mixed and mastered a cover song I had been working on. They also added to the arrangement by including instrumentation such as harpsichord, bass and tambourine. They did a very professional j..."
"Oli produced a track of mine remotely, from a demo to a fully-realized version, and he absolutely nailed it. He was very quick, and also great to work with the whole way through. Super talented producer and musician a..."
"Jon came up with great ideals for vocals. His name execution was on point. Highly recommend!"
"As always very good ear Giancarlo , brother !"
"I am so happy with the results! Michelle is my go to for everything strings. A great talent and easy to work with. "
"Wow! So awesome! Love working with William. Second time working with William and again the horns he delivered were spot on and sound amazing! What a difference having great horns on a song can make. Thanks William! "